April 28 | 18:30

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2/2 chapters of april 28

The frown on Jimin's lips deepens as he glances at the time. Yoongi still isn't here.

He's starting to get worried. Yoongi hasn't replied to anyone's messages either. What if something happened to him?

"Oh! He messaged me!" Namjoon announces, but after reading the text, his face instantly turns confused.

"What'd he say?" Jimin asks, hoping it's nothing bad.

"He's... fine. Don't worry. He's asking me about music," Namjoon dismisses, making everyone else in the room relax, glad to hear that Yoongi isn't in any form of trouble.

"Should've known," Hoseok snorts.

Taehyung shakes his head, mocking disappointment. "Can't believe he texted Namjoon hyung back before he replied to Jimin, such a bad boyfriend."

Jimin rolls his eyes and slightly pushes Taehyung, "He probably had to ask something important."

"Are you calling yourself not important?" Taehyung argues back, lips pointed out in an expectant look. It's obvious he was just kidding, so Jimin just laughs, just shaking his head as a response.

The atmosphere soon becomes relaxed, everything watching the movie, deciding to not wait for Yoongi as a form of revenge.

A few minutes in, Jimin stands up, about to head out of the room.

"Where're you headed?" Jin asks, eyes landing on the escaping Jimin.

With an embarrassed smile, Jimin says, "Just to the bathroom."

And, just then, there's a knock at the door, catching everyone's attention. They eventually just look back at the screen, knowing it's Yoongi and seeing Jimin's going to get the door.

When he does, eyes landing on Yoongi's, his expression brightens. "Hey."

With a cute smile, Yoongi nods, stepping forward and into Jimin's personal space. "Hey," he responds, pressing a small kiss on Jimin's cheekbone and gently squeezing Jimin's waist before he takes off his shoes.

"Where were you?" Jimin asks, just curious.

"Just taking a walk, sorry for not responding, but I was quite lost in thought."

They converse while walking back to the room everyone else is in, voice just low for each other's ears.

"Hm? About what?" Jimin thinks it's got something to do with music.

"What do you think?" Yoongi retorts, like the answer is obvious.

"A song?"

Laughing a little, Yoongi stops in his tracks to look at Jimin. "No, you silly. I was thinking about you."

It takes Jimin a moment to process the idea, immediately flushing when he does. Eyes averting, shy, he mutters, "Oh."

Chuckling, Yoongi nods, "Yeah, oh." Amused, Yoongi ruffles Jimin's hair.

Jimin pouts, but then remembers his bladder. "I gotta head to the bathroom real quick, be right back," he says quickly, flashing Yoongi a small smile before running off into another direction.

Yoongi, with a grin, enters the room where his friends are watching a movie.

"You started it without me?" he asks.

"Well, should've been here sooner, then," Jin remarks. Yoongi bites back a response, respecting the fact that Jin's older.

Shrugging it off, he sits next to Namjoon, wanting to continue what he asked over text.

Namjoon glances at him, a curious glint in his eyes. "So, you planning something?"

Yoongi grins, thinking back to his idea. He needs more people for this to work out perfectly.

"Yeah, and I was hoping to get your help."

i have so much chapters before exams T_T i have no idea how i'll get to them. i apologize in advance if i don't update them on their scheduled time

i hope you liked this chapter as well lol although it really doesn't have much but i enjoyed writing it (while my dad was yelling at me to go to sleep lol)

anYWAYS IM HEADING TO BED (after brushing my teeth and reading comments)



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