August 10 | 18:10

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"Have you heard of key signatures and scales?"

Yoongi's question made Jimin just stare back at him. Then, Yoongi breathed out a laugh.

"My bad, you obviously don't know."

Nodding at that statement, Jimin leaned forward by a few millimeters, eager to learn.

"What is it?"

"Well, you now know all the notes by heart, and even can play by just hearing a melody. Learning the scales helps in the understanding of what sounds good together, generally." Listening attentively, Jimin nodded.

"Every scale has its signature, which is called the key signature - they're seen on the music sheet. There are twelve major scales and thirty-six minor scales," he said slowly, looking at Jimin to see if he understood. The latter was just nodding, listening closely.

"The major scale is generally happy sounding, and more cheerful, and the minor scales, you notice they're slightly darker and sadder.

"Okay, so the easiest one is C major scale, which is just the white keys. Hm?" He hummed at the end, asking if Jimin understood.

Jimin nodded and muttered to himself. "C major scale."

Setting his hands on the keys, fingers on the white keys only, he started playing in ascending order from C. "This is what the scale sounds like. We can move onto the next one, yeah?"

Nodding vigorously at Yoongi's word, excited, Jimin's eyes brightened.

A little laugh escaped Yoongi before he continued. "Okay, then. I'll teach you all the major scales today, and we'll start the minor scale next week.

"The next one is F major scale," saying that, Yoongi grabbed one of the blank papers he'd once brought and grabs a pencil just next to it (on the stand of the sheets). He drew ten lines - so two bar lines, drawing the treble clef sign on both of them.

"So, the first one is a C major scale, yeah?" he said as he drew an arrow to the top one. "The F major scale has a B flat - or an A sharp - so there's a little flat symbol right after the treble on the third line, so it means every B on the scale is a flat, got it?" he looks at Jimin for the assurance.

"I think..." Jimin muttered, taking in all the information Yoongi just said. "So, there is no actual B on the scale, and instead of B, you play its flat?"

Grinning widely, Yoongi nodded. "Exactly! Try playing it."

A little unsure, Jimin reached to the keys, starting at F - he'd noticed that on the C major scale, it started on C, so it made sense if F major scale started on F? He didn't know, but he went for it anyway. Yoongi would correct him if he was wrong.

Slowly, but firmly, he pressed the keys, thumb on F as he moved up, playing the B flat after the A sharp, and skipping B natural as he played onto C, moving up until F when he stopped.

"Is that... right?" He asked, a little shy to look up at Yoongi.

"Yeah," Yoongi breathed out, amazed. "That's exactly right. You even got the started note right. The only thing a little off is your fingering. Here, I'll show you-"

Just as Yoongi expected from Jimin, learning very quickly, they went through all the scales that very lesson.

The lesson ended with a proud as ever Yoongi and a very happy Jimin, anticipating the next class like always.

Well, who wouldn't anticipate more time with their crush?

(Source: first few sites I found on google when I typed the related topic in the search bar)

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