Chapter 35: If This Love Fits

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He grabbed my face, pulling it closer to his before gently pressing his lips over mine. And with that single touch, I was done and over for. I grabbed him back, slipping my hands into his incredible hair and felt my resistant begin to shatter. He was playing it gentle, but we both knew we were both vampire’s. Vampire’s never held back.

I slipped of the counter, trying to grab some space, but Elijah pushed be back into it, the edged into my hip. It would be painful if I was a human, but I was a vampire and Elijah’s lips could distract me from anything in the world.

Now why is that girl stuck on the other side of a phone telling me about a story 100 years ago that has heartedly been without an ending for so long

An ending, this was my chance.

I grabbed him fiercely and pushed him around so this time he was the only jammed into the counter, and he didn’t even resist. I looked up to meet his eyes, and they were piercing into mine. And I couldn’t help but smile and kiss him again.

Something inside of me knew this wasn’t right. That none of this was going to work, because I had messed up Mystic Falls already and Elijah was the only good thing left.

I had been without an ending for so long. For so long that it was nearly impossible to stop wandering. I pulled away, looking into his fathomless eyes once again.

“What is it?” he whispered, he breath rough and his eyes not looking at my eyes, but at my lips. How can I love when I’m afraid to fall?

I sighed, and pulled further away, “What is this?” I referred to both of us. What were we going to be? What was even this brief pause of romance?

Elijah didn’t answer, and I stared at the floor waiting for him to answer me.

And then I heard him murmur, “You’re going to leave.” It was a statement not a question. I didn’t respond. How did he know me that much? I stared at the floor like it held all the answers in the world.

“Look at me,” his voice turned hard and solid, like there was something stuck in his throat. I turned and looked up at me him slowly, hiding underneath the blonde of my hair. “What are you afraid of?”

I stared shocked at him. He knew I was afraid of something as well?

He leaned his head against mine, and I tried to move away, but he held me there. He lifted up his hand and brushed my cheek, sending chills through my whole body.

Then the door shattered.

I jumped back, expecting Klaus, Katherine anyone but who I saw there. Because I knew the person who was standing there. The one with blonde hair and blue eyes who I locked back in the hotel. But now he had red eyes with cracks running through them. His body was trembling. He was furious.


Parker was a vampire. 

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