The Annual Rivers Memorial Day Barbecue

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Here is the next chapter. I hope that you enjoy it. This chapter will be about the Rivers family barbecue. This chapter takes place Sunday of memorial day weekend. This chapter will be a mix of POVs between Deylia Rivers and Tyler Rivers. Some of this chapter will also be in General POV

The Annual Rivers Memorial Day Barbecue

Deylias POV

The annual Rivers family memorial day barbecue was today. This year we were having it on Sunday because Tyler has a baseball game tomorrow afternoon. My parents invited Branden over for the barbecue. We have been dating for a while so Branden was like family to my parents. Tyler is all mad at our parents because they would not allow him to have Bella over here for the barbecue. He has asked them time and time again but my parents tell him no every time.

Tylers POV

At the Rivers House

I think it is so unfair that Branden gets to come over here and Bella does not. Just because my parents know him a lot better then they know Bella.

"Why can't I ask Bella to come over for the barbecue?" I asked both of my parents

"It is a family barbecue Tyler." My dad said

"Then why does Branden get to come to the barbecue?" I asked both of my parents

"Deylia has been dating Branden for a long time so he is like family to us." My mom said

"Bella and I have been dating for almost 7 months. That is a long time for your first relationship." I said

"If Bella does not get to come over then I am going to tell Branden not to come." My sister Deylia said taking a stand

"You can't just tell him that he is uninvited without a reason." My dad said to Deylia

"I have a reason. My parents won't let my brothers girlfriend come and I think that is unfair so I am taking a stand against my parents." Deylia said

"We are your parents so we overrule both of you. Branden is invited and Bella is not." My mom said

"Deylias right for taking a stand. If you will not let Bella come then I am going to skip the barbecue and spend the night somewhere else." I said

"Would the two of you just accept the fact that Branden is invited and Bella is not." My dad said

"Just because you and mom have a problem with Bellas parents that doesn't mean that you also have to have a problem with Bella." Deylia said

With that Deylia and I left the house and got into her car. We drove away before our parents could stop us.

"Where are we going?" I asked Deylia

"I don't know. I am just driving around for now." Deylia said

"You did not have to stand up to our parents like that." I said

"I wanted to. One day they tell me that Branden and I should not be together and another day they tell me that Branden is part of the family." Deylia said

"I just texted Bella and she said that I could come over if I wanted to so can you drop me off at her house?" I asked

"Yes." Deylia said

"Thanks." I said

We got to Bellas house and Deylia dropped me off.

At the Kingston House

"Where are you going to go?" I asked Deylia

"I do not know. I will probably just stop by the Petersons and see if Branden is home." I said

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