Talk to me, I need to know if you are Alright

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Here is the next chapter. I hope you enjoy it. This chapter takes place in the beginning of May. This chapter will focus on Bella Kingston and Tyler Rivers but also other include other characters like Melissa, Spencer, Toby, and JT Cavanaugh.

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Talk to me, I need to know if you are alright.

General POV

Bella Kingston was sleeping in on a Sunday morning. She has been sleeping a lot more the last month to avoid her mom as much as she could. It wasn't that Bella didn't want to see her mom but she was afraid of saying words like "I was pregnant and I had a miscarriage". Bella wished no one knew about this but her. Since her cousins JT and Liam both knew what Bella found out in London the secret could come out to her mom at any moment.

Meanwhile JT was downstairs and talking quietly to Melissa so Bella wouldn't hear.

"Something happened in London that Bella doesn't want me to tell you but I have to since the chances of her telling you are close to nothing." JT said

"If Bella is on drugs again I want to hear it from her mouth not yours." Melissa said

"It's not drugs but knowing her history this could cause Bella to go back to drugs." JT said

"What do you have to tell me about Bella?" Melissa asked

"Bella found out she was a month pregnant but then the same day she lost the baby because of stress and her past drug use." JT said

"I'm shocked but not that surprised. When Bella told me her and Tyler got back together I was thinking in the back of my head that this could happen." Melissa said

"Bella told me her and Tyler were taking things slow but apparently taking things slower still meant sleeping together." JT said

"I appreciate you telling me and I will talk to Bella to see if she will actually tell me this herself." Melissa said

"No problem. I had to convince my parents to let me skip church today and trust me when I say it wasn't easy. I didn't want to tell them why but I figured they would found out about Bella's pregnancy and miscarriage eventually so I told my parents. I know I should have told you first but my parents knew I was hiding something." JT said

"I never understood why my sister and Toby go to church more then Wren and I used to." Melissa said

"I think the reason is because church was one activity that we could go to as a family. Sunday morning is almost the only time where we can all be together as a family." JT said

"I agree with that. Sunday was the only day that Wren would have off work even though sometimes he had to work on Sundays to fill in if the hospital was short staff." Melissa said

Bella walked down the stairs to find Melissa and JT saying goodbye. Once JT left it became clear to Bella that her mom knew about the pregnancy and miscarriage.

"JT told me about something that happened to you while you were in London but I want you to tell me yourself." Melissa said

"I can't talk to you about this at least not right now." Bella said

"Talk to me Bella. I need to know if you are alright." Melissa said

"Mom, I'm sorry and I didn't mean for this to happen but in London I found out I was pregnant but then I had a miscarriage the same day I found out about the pregnancy." Bella said as she started to cry.

Melissa hugged Bella and told her everything was going to be alright.

"Where was your dad when this was happening?" Melissa asked

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