The Character List

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Character List

Here is the list of the familys and the characters used in the chapters already written.

CeCe Drake and Jason DiLaurentis

Chanel DiLaurentis - 18 years old, dark blonde hair, tall and skinny, brown eyes, nice but she can be really mean when someone hurts her or one of her friends, she's kind of nice but more bitchy then nice to her siblings because She doesn't trust them. doesn't really trust her parents but she does tell them things, she's friendly to but doesn't have a real friend yet.

Coco DiLaurentis - 18 years old and is Chanels older twin by just a few minutes. She has thick light blonde hair and She is identical to her twin but seems prettier. She has no trouble making friends unlike Chanel and can come across rude and bitchy. When she was 16 Coco had an abortion and regrets it but still hasn't told anyone.

Hanna Marin and Caleb Rivers

Deylia Marie Rivers - 16 years old, Short, Blonde, Pretty, Brown Eyes, Deylia initially comes across as quite mean and sarcastic. She's very popular at school but isn't horrible about it. She's willing to do anything to protect the people herself and the people she cares about. She's a massive 'girly girl' most of the time but she's not afraid to work for what she wants. Only her closest friends now who insecure and sweet she is. She's great at giving advice and can become serious very quickly even if she does have her hyper moods. She cries very easily, though not so much in front of other people. Slightly overprotective of her siblings but mostly let's them do their own thing. They get on very well Deylia is a bit of a Daddy's girl. She hates disappointing her parents, especially her father. Her mother and her have a love/hate relationship that often ends in shouting matches due to their similar personalities. Has very strong bonds with all of the other liars kids. She is particualy close to Aria's children.

Tyler Alexander Rivers - 15 years old, 6'2, brown almond shaped eyes, short, styled and tamed brown hair, athletic build. Tyler is a nerd inside a jock's body. He's popular and a star basketball player. Like his father, he's an excellent hacker and he has his mother's sense of humor. However, Tyler loves comic books, star wars, star trek, super heroes, doctor who (basically all typically nerdy things. He's a smart young man but because of pressure from both his peers and parents, he feels the need to pretend to be someone he's not, a typical dumb straight jock. The only people who know who Tyler really is, is his family and a few of his close and real friends. It's bad enough he has to hide his nerdy self but he also feels the need to hide that he likes both guys and girls. He knows his parents would love him no matter what but he's not ready to take that risk. Tyler is also fit, loyal and protective of his loved ones. One day, he hopes to have the courage to be who he really is, but for now, he's fine with being known as the dumb but talented jock. He's very protective of his siblings but they tease each other all of the time. Tyler is very much a mama's boy and Hanna loves babying him. She lays his clothes out for him every morning, styles his hair etc. They are very close but sometimes he wishes she didn't baby him so much in public. Tyler and Caleb are also close but in a different way. Caleb taught him hacker code and they bond over random guy stuff but Caleb does not approve of the way Hanna baby's him. Also, Hanna likes that Tyler is popular and a star basketball player, Caleb? Not so much. Tyler and JT are bros, best bros. They might be different, but they have similar interests and always have each other's backs. To make his parents proud, to be himself, to be on King of the Nerds, to become a robotics engineer or comic book writer.

William Will Rivers - 11 years old, dark hair and bright blue eyes. When he is with his family he is loud and bubbly but is having trouble at school. He has amazing computer skills but people are blackmailing him into changing their grades. He is terrified he will be found out- goes to Deylia with his worries.

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