Scholarship Troubles, Needing A New Way To Pay For University

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Scholarship Troubles, Needing A New Way To Pay For University

Jaydes POV

Today at school there is a senior assembly. This assembly was going to be about the future. In this assembly we are going to learn all about university life and other thing related to high school graduation. I was sitting with my best friends Coco and Channel. Both of them are going to Syracuse university with me. We are getting dorm rooms right next to each other. Coco and Channel will share one room and I will have my own.

After the assembly I asked Coco and Channel if they had heard about what scholarships they were getting. They both said that they heard about what scholarships they were getting last week. I told them that I had not heard about any of the scholarships that I applied for yet. They told me to wait a few more days and if I still had not heard to ask my parents because I could have gotten something in the mail and they just forget to give it to me.

The assembly was on Monday and today it was Friday at the end of the school day. I still had not heard back from any of the scholarships that I applied for. I had worked really hard on them and some of them I even had to write essays for. I was on my way home and I was going to have to ask my parents tonight. When I got home both of my parents look liked they were in the middle of discussing something. What ever it was they did not want me to hear because as soon as they heard me walk in they stopped talking about whatever it was that they were talking about

"How was your day at school today?" Dad asked me

"Good." I replied back

"Are you excited about graduating soon?" Mom asked me

"Yes oh and by the way have you heard back from any of the scholarships yet?" I asked

"Actually we need to talk to you about that." Dad said

"So did you hear back yet?" I asked

"Yes we did but unfortunately you did not get any of them." Mom said

"When did you find this out because Coco and Chanel found out that they were getting scholarships like over a week ago." I said

"We revived the letters at the beginning of the week." Dad said

"Then why did you wait days to tell me?" I asked

"Your dad and I had to figure out the best way to tell you." Mom said

"Are you going to pay me to go to Syracuse because I already accepted admission as soon as I found out that I got in." I said

"You know that with our current financial situation we can't do that for you." Dad told me

"Well then how am I supposed to pay for it? The $1,000 dorm room deposit is due next week." I asked

"You are going to have to use the $1,000 that you got for that book to pay for it." Mom told me

"I can't because I have already spent it on new cloths and things for my dorm room." I said

"We will pay it then but you have to get a job and pay us back." Dad told me

"Dad you are being so unfair." I yelled to him

"Watch your attitude Jayde." Dad yelled back at me

"Mom can I just ask Ezra for it." I said

"If you want to but he will most likely say no." Mom told me

"Well I will not know what he is going to say until I ask him so I have to give it a try." I said

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