We are going to find her/Everything is going to be ok.

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This is going to be like two chapters in one. Length wise it's not that long but I feel like both chapters went together. 

General POV

Summer was more then half over. Elizabeth Cavanaugh had movie plans with her friends Alex DiLaurentis - Fields and Catalina Bancroft today. She didn't really feel like going. All morning her cell phone wouldn't stop going off. It was either texts or calls from Alex or texts from Drew Kahn. Elizabeth hated Drew after what he did to her Freshman year. Drew had recently broken up with his girlfriend and wanted Elizabeth back. Elizabeth walked into her dad's office. Toby was working at home and he was busy with paperwork but not to busy for her.

"Dad can I talk to you?" Elizabeth asked

"Elizabeth, what's going on?" Toby asked

"Can you talk to your step sister for me? I need you to tell her to get her son to stop texting me." Elizabeth said

"I have barley talked or even seen Jenna since she has been back in Rosewood. Noel and Jenna got married last month. We were invited to their wedding but I declined the invitation without  even telling your mom about it first." Toby said

"What am I supposed to do then? Go to Rosewood PD and get Drew arrested." Elizabeth said

"You can't just arrest him because you two don't get along. Talk to Drew and try to fix things. If that doesn't work I will have a chat with him." Toby said

"I'm not talking to him, not now and not ever." Elizabeth said

"Elizabeth, I know it's hard but you both go to the same school so avoiding him isn't going to be easy." Toby said

"Dad, I don't want to go to Rosewood High anymore." Elizabeth said

"I'm not going to let you drop out and neither is your mother." Toby said

Toby got a cell phone call and he answered it. A few minutes later he was done with the conversation. 

"That was Alex, she's worried about you. She has been texting you all morning and you haven't responded to any text." Toby said

"I can't be around her right now." Elizabeth said

"Why not?" Toby asked

"It's complicated." Elizabeth said

"You can talk to me Elizabeth about anything." Toby said

"I get these weird feelings when i'm around her." Elizabeth said

"Do you think you like Alex as more then a friend?" Toby asked

"I don't know dad but I haven't been able to talk to a boy besides JT since freshman year." Elizabeth said

"I'm happy you decided to talk to me. Alex's mom Emily went through the same thing when she was 16. I was the first person she was able to talk to. No matter if you like boys, girls, or both, your mom and I will love you no matter what."Toby said

"I don't know if I should say this or not but I'm worried about Rosie. She locks herself into her bedroom and stays in there for hours at a time." Elizabeth said

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