Living In London For The Summer With My Dad

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Here is the next chapter. I hope that you enjoy it. This one will be about Bella Kingston and it will be told in her POV. This one is going to be about here living in London for the summer. I feel the need to back track a little bit because I left some things out of Bellas last chapter. This is going to be an extra long chapter to make up for not posting in over a week. A returns in this chapter. When I originally planned out this chapter I never planned on it being this long. I guess I just let my creative writing skills have the best of me.

Living In London For The Summer With My Dad

Bellas POV

I can remember living in London all the way back to when I was little. We were a really close family. We lived in a big house just down the block from the big one that my grandparents lived in. Living across the street from our former home in another big house is my cousin Liam with My Aunt and Uncle George. My parents were very much in love and everyone was really happy. My dad had a really great job as a doctor at London's biggest hospital. He got paid a ton of money so my mom was able to be a stay at home mom and raise me. She had a university degree but she choose to only do work from home jobs for the first few years of my life. My mom had gotten a part time job once I was old enough to start school. She was able to work while I was at school.

I was thinking about all this on the plane from Philadelphia to London. It was a long 7 and a half hour flight so I had plenty of time to think. I was used to traveling a long time on the plane because I have flown back and forth between London and the USA several times.

"What are you so deep in thought about?" My dad asked

"I am just trying to forget how long this flight is." I said

"After all these years I thought you would be used to it by now." My dad said

"I am used to it but this year just feels different for some reason." I said

"Do you think it is because your mom is not coming with us this year?" My dad asked

"Maybe, or maybe it is because grandma and grandpa died and the thought of staying in their house just seems weird." I said

"If you do not feel comfortable staying in that house then I am sure we could stay with my brother." My dad said

"That is not the problem. Everything just feels so different." I said

The flight time did go by pretty fast. At the London airport waiting for us was my aunt, uncle George, and cousin Liam. I was so excited to see them as it has been almost a year since the last time I saw them. They drove us to where we were going to be living. Liam's parents went home and my dad went to the grocery store to get food. He wanted to go tonight instead of waiting into the morning, There was no food in the house because nobody has lived here for several months.

"It sucks that your mom can't make it this year." Liam said

"Liam, do you even know what is going on with my parents right now?" I asked

"What is going on?" Liam asked

"They got a divorce." I said

"All my dad told me was that your mom was unable to make it this summer." Liam said

"He obviously did not want you to know the truth." I said

"How are you with your parents being split up?" Liam asked

"It is not easy but I am doing the best that I can do right know. To be honest I've cried my self to sleep but that doesn't change anything." I said

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