The Class Trip To Washington DC

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Here is the next chapter. I hope that you enjoy it. This chapter will be about the 8th grade class trip to Washington DC. The character povs in this chapter will be from Leo, Rosie, and Xanthe.

The Class Trip To Washington DC

Leos POV

I was packing for his class trip. I was excited to go to Washington DC. I was also excited that he got to miss some school in order to go. It was a school trip so I still would be with his friends. I was almost done packing when my mom came into my room to check up on me.

"Are you almost done packing because you leave tomorrow morning?" My mom asked

"Yes, I am just about done." I said

"Did your sister tell you all about her trip to DC four years ago?" My mom asked

"No, I told her that I did not want to here about her trip until after I went." I said

"So you want to have your own adventurers and not worry about competing with how her trip went." My mom said

"Were is Jayde anyway? I have not seen her all day." I said

"She is spending today and tomorrow with Ezra." My mom said

"She has been seeing him a lot." I said

"I am okay with that as long as she is happy." My mom said

"What does dad think about it?" I asked

"He is not to happy about it but he understands that it is good for Jayde to bond with Ezra. How are you with it?" My mom said

"The only thing that I do not like is that I feel like Jayde has replaced me with Katie." I said

"She has not replaced you. Jayde just grew up with a brother and now that she has a half sister she wants to get to know her." My mom said

"On the plus side dad is now playing favoritism with me and not Jayde anymore." I said

"He should be treating both of you equally. Parents aren't supposed to favorite one kid over another. Sometimes I favorite Jayde over you but that's just because she was my first born." My mom said

Rosies POV

I was at the stables with my horse Sophie. I had just come back from a trail ride with my mom. We were also with cousin Bella and aunt Melissa. I had already packed for my DC trip that leaves tomorrow. Just for fun I took my horse around the jumping arena once. I was going to be in DC for almost a week so today would be the last day that I could go ridding until I got back. My parents have hired a stable hand to take care of my horse so I never have to worry about her. The stable hand is one of my dads work friends daughters. She is 19 and she is studying veterinary medicine in university. She does not own a horse like I do but she loves to ride. She is practically Sophies second owner. After the trail ride the four of us go out to dinner.

Xanthes POV

Today was the last day for filming my very first toothpaste commercial. We were done early and my mom would not be picking me up until later so I had plenty of time to spend with Charlie. Charlies father was out of the studio doing photo shoots in other locations so no one else but us was still her. We had a picnic meal together. Then we kissed and talked. Sometimes I wished I was a little older so we could hang out and not have to worry about getting caught.

General POV

The next day all of the 8th graders were loaded on to buses. These buses were not school buses. Xanthe, Leo, and Rosie were all assigned to bus number 1. There were a total of three buses going to be filled with the students, teachers, and other parent chaperons. Xanthe and Leo were towards the front of the line. Rosie was towards the back of the line. Rosie hated being in the back because it meant that she would not get her choice at a seat. She just hoped that Xanthe would save a seat for her. Xanthe and Leo get on the bus. Xanthe sits down in a row near the middle and Leo sits in a row behind her. Rosie gets on the bus and someone is already sitting next to Xanthe so Rosie sits in the row behind with Leo. Xanthe turns around to talk to Rosie.

"I am sorry that you can not sit with me but one of the teachers told me that I was not aloud to save seats when I did not want to let Jenny sit here." Xanthe said

"That is okay. I still get to sit with Leo." Rosie said

"It looks like Rosie has a crush on Leo." Jenny chimed in

"I do not." Rosie said back to Jenny

"If you have a crush on my cousin I am okay with it." Xanthe said

"Okay maybe I have a little crush but I do not think that he likes me back." Rosie said

"So do you really have a crush on me?" Leo asked Rosie

"Yes but I am not going to let it ruin our friendship." Rosie told Leo

"Good." Leo said

"So do you like me or not?" Rosie asked Leo

"I like you but just as a friend. At least for right now. Someday I could actually see us dating." Leo said to Rosie

All the school buses were loaded and they left the middle school. Several hours later the bus arrived in Washington DC. A teacher announced that they had to go over the rules before the kids started to get off the bus.

"Everyone will get put into a group of three. The three of you will room together. You also must stick together when we are out touring the city." A teacher said then names were announced.

Xanthe, Rosie, and Jenny are all put together. Leo is put with Chris and Tom. They all check into the hotel room, put their things away and then it is time for all the kids to eat dinner. Over the next several days the group will do a lot of touring. Their is even a spirit dinner cruise that will even have dancing on the boat. At the end of the week the group will load all of there things on the buses again and take the several hour ride back home.

I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. Please review or pm me with any Suggestions, Questions, Ideas, Predictions, Thoughts, or Anything else you would like to know. The next chapter will be up as soon as I write it. I do not know what it will be about yet. I am sorry if this chapter was not very good. I thought of this idea after looking at pictures from my 8th grade trip to Washington DC. I remembered how much fun I had on that trip.

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