Making My Decision

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The next chapter is here. I hope you like it.

Making My Decision

Elizabeths POV

I woke up and instantly ran to the bathroom. This was the starting of my morning sickness. I went to bed last night after I had made my decision. I talked to Rosie and JT yesterday for advise so now all my siblings know that I am Pregnant. They told me that they would be there to support me. I decided that I was going to have an abortion. It is what was best for me right know. I am only 15 and still have a few years of growing up before I am ready for the responsibility of raising a kid. I know that I could have gone with adoption but then everyone at school and around town would know that I was a pregnant teenager. I can not deal with any more bullying in my life. I was not feeling good so I stayed home while the rest of my family went to church. When my parents got home I was going to tell them my decision.

"Are you feeling any better now?" Dad asked

"A little, I made up my mind about what I want to do about my pregnancy." I said

"What did you decide?" Mom asked

"I want to have the abortion. I think it is the best choice." I said

"The sooner you have it the better. I am working from home tomorrow so I will call you in sick to school and take you to the clinic tomorrow." Mom said

"I can go to if you want me to." Dad said

"No, I just want mom to go with me." I said

"Are you hungry because I was just about to make lunch for everyone." Dad said

"Yes, Thank you." I said

The rest of the day consisted of doing homework and bonding with my family. They were all their to support me. Then we ate dinner as a family. My sibling had cooked the dinner. The next morning my siblings went to school and my dad went to work. My mom called me in sick to school. My mom talked to me and made sure that my decision was final before we left for the clinic. After the clinic my mom took me home.

"Did I do the right thing?" I asked mom

"You did what was right for you." Mom said

"I thought that you would be against having a abortion." I said

"I am but I could tell that it was what you wanted." Mom said

"Then why did you let me get one because now I am regretting it." I said

"It is normal to have regrets but in the long run I hope that you realize that it was the best decision for you." Mom said

Then my mom made lunch for me and we ate together. Then she had to do some of her work stuff from home for a little while. A few hours later my sibling came home from school. Dad was still at work.

"I just want to let you know that there were some things going around school about you today." Rochelle said

"So does everyone know that I was pregnant and had an abortion."

"Yes, I think Drew texted it all around school. He said he heard that you were pregnant and you were not in school today because you were getting an abortion." Rochelle said

"I know that it is true but now he made things a lot harder for me to return to school tomorrow." I said

"Well JT and I will be there tomorrow to help you get through it." Rochelle said

"Thanks." I said

My sibling did their homework while we waited for dad to get home from work. When my dad finally got home from work it was almost dinnertime. My mom cooked a really nice dinner. After dinner we watched The Voice on TV as a family. When It was over all of my siblings and I had to go to bed because we all had school in the morning. I was hoping that starting tomorrow everything would go back to normal but with people at school knowing about me I do not know how it can.

I woke up the next morning to get ready for school. Even though we had a large house and plenty of space to get ready everyone rushed around. With six people trying to take a shower and we only had 4 bathrooms to use. It was always about who would get to the bathrooms first. Also the hot water got used up quickly with the constant use of the shower . As well as all the other things that use hot water like the dishwasher and the washing machine.

JT drove Rochelle and I to school. Rosie took the bus even though she could have gone with us because so attends the middle school right across the street from the high school. I walked into the high school and before I could even get to my locker people were staring at me. JT and Rochelle were right by my side telling me to ignore the stares. It is hard to ignore them when they are from the people you know.

My morning classes went okay. I got assignments to make up from being absent yesterday. My teachers did not know why the other students were giving me weird looks or why I was really absent yesterday. That really was a good thing. Then it was lunch time. I walked into the cafe and realized that JT was sitting with his girlfriend like normal but Rochelle was not sitting with Kelsey like she normally was. I sat with Rochelle and we ate our lunch together. She offered me help with my school assignments that I missed. I told her to meet me in the library after school so we could study together. She said that she would call dad and have him pick us up on his way home from work.

My afternoon classes went the same as my morning ones did. After school I meet Rochelle in the library. She helped me with my homework until dad came to pick us up. When dad picked us up he said that it was very thoughtful of Rochelle to help. He also said that it would count towards her last few hours of community service since she had been tutoring other kids. All dad had to do was sign the community service sheet marked for tutoring. Rochelle was really glad because she was really close to being done with community service. She also would be getting her drivers licence back real soon.

When we got home we ate dinner and watched some TV together as a family again. We really bonded as a family and liked to do things together often. One of the things that helped us bond was watching TV as a family. I still liked to watch TV on my own sometimes but that is what the TV in my room is for.

Please review or pm me with your thoughts, ideas, questions, or anything else you would like to know. The next chapter will be up as soon as I write it.

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