Chapter 6

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Three years and he has now returned. Lord Megatron is back on Earth, and I'm stuck in High School and unable to meet up with him. I'm glad that Sound sent me a message saying that Megatron was back in town though my teacher didn't enjoy it as much though. Lucky they know who I am, which was easy to do.

It was also nice to have the same information as Sound to ensure that I don't miss a thing when I'm gone. I saw that Megatron had a new type of Energon known as Dark Energon. When I had nothing else to do in class, I would look up Dark Energon and found that it was the counterpart of energon, and it was known as "The Blood of Unicron." There wasn't a lot of information on it, but I could see Starscream get his butt kicked by Megatron. Which was nice, but I would enjoy it if I was there in person.

It was the weekend, and I could not meet up with the Decepticons since I had to fill out some paperwork for my assessment. It was made tolerable with two of my best friends Missy and Sunny. We talked about our class and who do we hate, alright, and which class will be the best and the worst. We were talking about our crushes when my phone when out.

I took it out of my pocket and saw it was Sound. I open up the text and read what he sent me.



Can you talk right now?


No, not really. But what's up?


An Autobot took out our Interstellar Navigation System. We need to lock on to Cybertron to call Megatron's army, and we need a replacement. Do you know a place on Earth that can lock on to Cybertron?


Wait, I thought it was dead?


It is, but Megatron found that Dark Energon can bring back the dead.


"You know it's not polite to read someone else's text messages."

"What is Dark Energon?" Missy asked, trying to say it right.

"Is this your boyfriend?" Sunny asked.

"No, also, how much have you guys hacked into your dad's files."

"We only got to Autobots and Decepticons before he busted us."

"Soundwave is my guardian, and Dark Energon is the counterpart of normal energon." I explained to them.

"Sounds boring anyway; we better get home, Midna. See you at school on Monday." Missy said, leaving my room.

'I love those two, but they can be such a pain in the butt.'



Sorry had Missy and Sunny over, and that would have to be the giant size array in Texas. There is another one that is that big, but it has too many people around there to get the things that need to be done. Do you need me to walk you through it?


No, but I can get Starscream to stop breathing down my neck, though. Thanks, Midna.


Yup, but I'm to get in the system, though.


I pulled out my computer and login into the Array and saw that Soundwave was already there and started to take out all of the soldiers. I shooked my head and called him once he was finished.

Transformers Prime: Human DecepticonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz