Chapter 24

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Midna had gone home a couple of hours ago, but Starscream had entered the ship and was seen by Orion. This was going to cause some problems. Megatron was off talking to him, I was waiting outside of Orain's workstation, and Megatron and I started to walk. I was right behind him, and I knew there was something that was bothering him.

"Orion was never very adept at the art of deception. I made a mistake not terminating Starscream when I had the opportunity. A mistake I do not intend to make again!"



I was with Breakdown, and he was on space bridge duty. The crew down there had just missed their check-in.

"Space bridge Control, do you read me? Space bridge Control, this is Breakdown. Your statue report is overdue."

We waited for a second before he was starting to lose it, "Come in, Space bridge Control. Don't make me come down there and dent some engine blocks."

He leaned down, and I slipped a little. I didn't fall, but Breakdown was starting to get very angry."You have one nanocycle to respond, or--"

"This is Space bridge Control. Situation normal."

'Agent Fowler?'

"Normal? You sure about that?"

"We were just calibrating the subsystems, and we, uh, had a surge, but it's fine now. How are you?"

I raised an eyebrow at the mistake Agent Fowler had made. I looked over Breakdown to see what he would do.

"Uh, never better. I know it's thankless down there. Keep up the good work, huh?"

"Will do. Control out."

'Not bad, the both of you.' I thought, astonishing.


I was with Sound, who was on a monitor. I was watching Orian. That was when I saw he wasn't decoding project Iacon but in the files of the Decepticons.

"Why would the Deception archives be so heavily encrypted?" Orian question when errors came up about the archive. He closed them and tried again. He pulled up the image of the leader of the Autobots. Then he started to decode the image. Then it started to form his image.

'Oh, no. This isn't good.'

"How could I possibly be Optimus Prime?" I was about to show Sound when I heard Megatron's voice.

"Even our encryptions couldn't keep him from the truth." I looked up, and Sound was right behind him, and Megatron was facing the front of the ship.

"Orian has much to accomplish, and he will stay the course, even if I must inflict great pain to ensure the completion of Project Iacon."

Megatron was starting to leave the bridge. Sound came towards me and picked me up. I raised an eyebrow at him, but I got into his hand, and he placed me down in my regular spot. Then we started to walk out of the bridge. I looked at the time, and I saw that it was getting late.

"Taking me home, Sound."

I got a nod from that. That was until Sound was picking up a signal from Cybertron.He changed his course and went towards Orion's workstation. I moved out of sight and hid behind Sound's head. I stayed there. I would be able to hear, but I couldn't see anything. I heard the door open and some beeping. It was coming from Sound.

"One of our sentries was activated on Cybertron?"

"You told me our planet was dead."

"That is besides the point. Guards!" I saw the door open. "You will finish project Iacon by the time I return," I could hear Megatron's sword coming out and hear his footsteps, "or I will carve out your spark before your very eyes." I heard a light confirmation from Orian and Megatron putting his blade back. Sound back up a little before turning. That was the cue to move back on his shoulder. Thankfully I was able to stay out of sight of Orion. Sound and Megatron left the room. They went back to the bridge. That was when Sound found another anomaly this time. It was with the Space bridge.

'This day just keeps getting better.'

"The activity log indicated my Space bridge was set for Cybertron and remains open. The only possible reason the Autobots would take such a risk... would be to restore their precious Optimus Prime."

"Soundwave opened a bridge to our Space bridge." He nodded and opened the bridge. Megatron and walked through.

I let out a sigh, and Sound tilted his head towards me. I let out a while as my hand lowered and made an explosion spreading my hands apart.

"A little overdramatic Midna?" I looked up and saw it was Nitrous. I shook my head. Sound left the bridge and took me home now. It was getting very late now.


I was back on the Nemesis the next day, and I was right, mostly. Optimus Prime had gained his memories again. I'm really hoping that he has no memories of me. There was no way of figuring that out. Though since he was gone, Sound and I were now tasked with decoding Project Iacon. It was still going to take a while, but with my short time with Orion, I was able to see how he decodes. Hopefully, that will give us a helping hand.

Luckily there was some time before we ran out of coordinates. We had gotten three coordinates, and Megatron had left the ship to go to the first one. We had just uncovered it. Unlike some time which was most of the time, I would sit around and look through the Decepticon Archive. I was working on Protect Iacon, trying to get a jumpstart on it.

Sound was working on something else when Megatron required a Ground bridge. He opened. It was for a moment before closing. I looked up, and it only happens when the person who required it goes out of the bridge again. I looked at Sound, who had a slight tilt to his head. Nitrous was the only one in the room. She let out a small chuckle which started Sound, who went back to his show 'no emotion' state. I wished he would show a little more emotions at times, but I could understand.


Megatron was back, and he was in a foul mood. I didn't blame him. I was starting to get in one too. I was still working on trying to decode it, and I only got a couple. I was typing when Megatron was ranting.

"The Spark Extractor was in my grasp! I should have removed more than that Scout's voice box when I had the chance!" I could hear Sound's footsteps up to Megatron. "Indeed, Soundwave. We possess two more sets of coordinates which Orion decrypted before departing our ranks. Let us see what other long-lost treasures we might be reunited with."

"ARG!" I screamed, throwing my hands into my hair and messing it up.

"I can hack into Blume's security with my phone, bypass every military firewall, including the Pentagon from an outside computer! And yet I can't decode a simple Autobot code that has four layers of code!" I shouted with my eyes closed. I was fuming with rage. By the time I opened my eyes, I had seen that I had everyone's attention on me, including Megatron. He gave me a look that was surprised, astonishment, and a hint of fear. I removed my hands from my head.

"What?" I growled, narrowing my eyes into stills.

Megatron was taken aback by me and ordered Sound to get a Knock Out and Breakdown to get down to the coordinates.

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