Chapter 32

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I was in the rec room partying. Well, sort of. I was the thing we were partying about as I had beaten Megatron in the fight. High Energon was being serviced, and everyone was enjoying themselves, including Knock Out. Which made me smile. There was only one person who wasn't here, and that was Sound. He had taken a cube of Energon and left. I stayed for over an hour at the party before leaving. I was still in my Xeno suit. It was so much easier to walk around in that than in my human form.

I was given a cube of Energon from a drunken Nitrous. I had added a few drops of flavoring to it. I had found a way to change the chemical compound of normal energon into something that I can drink. I was walking to the room where Sound was at. As I entered, he placed down the cube, and only a quarter of it was gone.


This caused him to turn his end, and his visor was up a bit to show his mouth. I stopped and pointed at him.

"You're not the only one who dabbles at improving one's biology and technology." Sound explained in his robot voice. I nodded my head and walked over. I turned around so that my back was leaning on the counter. I brought the cube up to my mouth.

"Is that...?"

"High Energon? I have no idea, Nitourse came to me with a cube, and she was starting to become very drunk as her words started to slur. It's a monster flavored." I explained.

"You change the chemical compound. How?"

"Trial and error, in small doses. Can Laserbeak come out and play?"

"No," Sound answered bluntly.

"But, I made energon goodies," I whine a little.

This caused Laserbeak to pop off Sound's chest and went into his natural form. I turned around and leaned on the counter, and petted under Laserbeak's beak. He chirped happily.

"Pretty bird," I pulled out a goodie, and Laserbeak sniffed at it and squawk at me angrily.

Sound snicker at me, and I rolled my eyes, "I know it smells bad, Laserbeak, but you need to eat it for the Autobots have given you a virus."

This caused Sound to stop typing and looked over at me. I then saw how he was able to have his mouth shown. Some octagons were black, and they were disappearing to the side of his head where his old visor would clip into place. I pointed at him, "Now, that was cool."


"Junior, detected something when you entered our system at home," I explained as Laserbeak rubbed against my fingers. I looked over at him and gave him the goodie. He ate it and grimaced at the taste of it. I rubbed his head and pulled out a small bag. I then pulled out another goodie. This one, he nearly bit my finger.

"Who's Junior?" Sound asked. I could tell there was annoyance in his voice.

"Junior is the world's first Artificial Intelligence. He was created by my brothers and me. Since we got grounded for a whole summer and we needed something to do. Though the world doesn't know about his existence. Only a few people know about his existence."

Sound looked away and nodded. I could tell he was very annoyed.

"I promise not to tell if you don't say anything about Junior?" I offered. He nodded his head and counted to type. While he was doing this, I was giving Laserbeak goodies. It was quiet with the occasional thud from the hall, from a Trooper who was possibly drunk and trying to get back to their room.

"Why did you truly join the Deceptions, Midna," Sound asked out of the blue.

"Hmm?" I relayed as I was taking a drink of the energon.

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