Chapter 3

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Three years had passed since I meet with the Decepticons. I had started middle school, and my brothers were back home. After that day with the Decepticons, I told my mom what happened. She was furious that I did this, but she was glad that I was alright. Every night I would look out my window. I missed Soundwave. There was something about him that made me miss him. I didn't know what it was. I hoped I would see him again one day.


It was a Saturday, and September had just come around the corner, and I was taking a walk. It was almost dark, so I started heading back home. I felt the cold fall weather against my back. I pulled my jacket closer to me. I was almost home when I sense that someone was following me. I stopped and looked around. I smiled once I saw the shadow of a similar figure.

"Why are you following me.... Soundwave?" I said at the shadow.

The figure stepped out of the shadows and into what little light there was. I looked up, and I saw Soundwave. Soundwave kneeled down a bit and play a video of me in the hospital. I would have been mad at him, but it was the scene that caught my eye. I looked away from Soundwave, and I remember what happened that day. It was the day where Colonel Leland Bishop had betrayed me. I was in a warehouse where 25 scientists were working on some advanced weapons. I didn't care at the time, but it soon bites me in the butt. Bishop had a passion when it came to advanced weapons. The warehouse with the scientist was Project: Damocles was being held before it was moved to a different location.

I was there to protect the scientist from moving out all the weapons into a different place. At the time, I didn't know that Bishop was discharged from the Army. Then, within a few moments, the warehouse was getting attacked. I order all the scientists to leave as I hold them off. I was running low on bullets, and I called Bishop for help. I was scared, and I wanted his help, but what happened next I'll never forget.


I was leaning against a wall in the warehouse. I had a radio, and I was calling Bishop.

"Bishop. I need your help." I said into the radio.

"Sorry, Dark, but that's not gonna happen." Bishop replied.

"What do you mean?"

"What do I mean? I'm the one who is attacking."

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"I'm gonna change the world, and it's gonna have the leading technology in it. I'm truly sorry that you have to be here, but I can't leave any witnesses." Bishop said darkly.

I heard a gunshot, and everything went black. The next thing I remember was waking up in the hospital. I felt a pain in my chest. I saw that the heart rate mounter was off and next to the mounter was my brother Viper, he was asleep. I felt something in my right hand, and I figure I would toss it at him.

When I toss the thing at him, I hit him right in the head. He jerked his head up and looked up at me.

"Sorry, Viper. I didn't mean to hit you in the head." I said in a raspy voice.

He stood up and walked over to me, and held my right hand.

"It's fine. It shows that you are a fighter no matter what." He said, smiling.

I saw there were bags underthing his eyes. I figure he hadn't slept in a couple days.

"Viper, why is the heart mounter off?" I asked.

His smile faded a little.

"It's off because your heart is faster than a normal human heart should be. Your resting heart rate is 270."

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