Chapter 40

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I was still watching the camera feed of Scream, Megatron, and Shockwave when Scream brought up an excellent point.

"Is it really wise for Shockwave to spawn an army of beasts here in this laboratory, or within any part of this warship?" He turned around, facing away from them, "I mean, not even the lone beast we had was compact enough to stroll these corridors without tearing them asunder. Which reminds me, I am so very sorry for your loss." Scream turned around and gave his lackluster apology.

"Why do I feel targeted? I mean, yes, I do experiments like Shockwave, but wouldn't it be better for him to say it to my face?" I asked, looking up at Sound. He shrugged, "Starscream is a person who doesn't care what others are thinking about what happens in their mind."

"I was referring to my offsite laboratory, which we have erected expressly for the cloning procedures," Shockwave explained.

There was a bark of laughter behind us. We both jumped, and I turned around and saw that it was Nitrous. She was alone. She pointed at the screen, "Screamers face. Priceless."

We looked up in time with him having a surprised Pikachu face before going back into his scowl, "You think of everything don't you?"

That was when the ship started to rock. It moved at the right angle, where I started to slide off the mounter.

"Woah, Woah, Woah Woah!" I stated in rapid succession. I was caught quickly by Sound before I fell to the ground. Nitrous left the room to see what it was. She opened a comm channel for us, and she was with Megatron, Shockwave, Scream, and a few troops.

"How did it find us?" Scream questioned.

"Predacons possess precise homing instincts.

"Like a pigeon."

"And astonishing resilience. Starscream, assume command of my beast." Megatron ordered.

"Me, Master? I-I-I mean, I wouldn't dream of seizing such an honor from its very creator." Scream stutter.

"Military command of the Predacon is most logical, since my services are required elsewhere."

The comm channel ended, and I looked up at Sound. He was holding his head. I looked at him with concern since he only did that when his telepathy would act up.

"You okay, Sound?"

He waved me off, "Yeah, though I'm gonna go lay down. Can you cover for me?"

"Yes, just feel better." I watched him put on his visor and left the room. He was even still holding his head when he had his visor back on. Which was concerning since when his visor goes back on his goes into an emotionless bot. I bit my lip and was thinking for a moment. I knew that Megatron knew of Sound's telepath, but I didn't think he knew it was acting up again, and it was giving him a lot of headaches.

I let out a sigh and sent Megatron a message asking if I could speak to him alone. I explained that I was worried about Sound. He agreed right away since he knew if I was worried about Sound, it was something terrible. We would meet in his office/personal quarters. I was surprised since he doesn't let anyone enter that room unless it was late at night and dropped off reports.

I made my way there. I took my typical path, which was the vents. Before I entered the room, I made sure he knew that I was waiting for him. It was a courteous thing to do, but it was a bad idea since I had to punch the vent to show that I was knocking. After I was done, I was waving my hand to ease the pain. I saw the vent was getting removed and a surprised Megatron. I waved at him and smiled.

He shook his head and held out his hand. I climbed on and saw that it was basically a tiny flat. He had his bed in one area, a bathroom in its own area, and where I stood, which was his office space. I jumped off and landed on his desk, which was littered with datapads that had to report he had gotten from everyone on the ship.

"Hmm. I didn't think you would read the reports that were sent your way. I thought you did it since Sound is a stickler for order." I explained.

He scoffed, "I've been doing this for a long time, Midna. It was something that Orina Pax rubbed off of me, as you humans would say. I wanted to change from what the Autobot Senate had back then. By having these reports, I can make sure that history doesn't change that much from our standpoint and that we have a better way of treating our people." Megatron explained as he put the vent cover back in place and sat down.

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow, "Have you heard of this quote, 'History is always written by the winners.' It is from a book, The Da Vinci Code. In other words, the victor has rewritten history by hand."

"No, but I do see where you are coming from, Midna, and I thought this was about Soundwave. Not me." Megatron grumbled. I sighed because he was right.

"Well, I think that Predacon is messing with Sound's telepathy. I don't know, though. Nitrous told me about when you were in Darkmount and Shockwave was with the Beast. Of course, Scream had to comment about it, and when he did, it almost sent Sound into stasis. Then just recently, when the beast came back, he was holding his head. Even when he left the room.

"It may be an overreaction from both Nitrous and me, but I say that cautiously. Since I have no idea what it even means to be a telepath, and I'm not even related to him." I explained.

I saw that Megatron had a worried look on his face.

"No, you have every right to be. Soundwave is a very different Cybertronian from others. His siblings are too. What you have told me, I haven't seen that much loss control since our gladiator days back on Cybertron. You were right to bring this to me, Midna." I nodded.

I was about to leave when Nitrous came over his comm, "Master, we haven't received a report of the second team. I believe the Autobots have gotten wind of what we are doing."

"I understand Nitrous." Megatron closed that channel and opened another one to Starscream

"Starscream, are you with the beast?"

"Yes, Master. We've been reviewing attack maneuvers. He's doing quite well."


"One of the excavation teams has failed to report in."

"I shall assemble my Seeker Armada immediately and-" Megatron cut Scream off.

"I would prefer that you lead our newly-returned asset on this mission, so that we may see if our Predacon is as adept at fetching bones as it is hunting Autobots."

With that, Scream was dismissed, and I left. I went to see Sound. When I got to his room, he was asleep, albeit forced. Laserbeak was curled up next to Sound's head. He raised his head to see who had entered the room before lowering it down with a sad chip. I sighed because Sound didn't need to go through this at all. It's not fun having to lose your mind and your thoughts to someone else.

I sighed and sat down, and started working on reports. That was when I got another signal outside of Taos, New Mexico. I sent out a team to get the bone. That was when the Museum got back to me.

"Score!" I shouted, and that was when I heard a groan.

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