Chapter 22

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I woke up from the short nap that I had taken, well, more like the one Sound made me take. I was glad that he did make me take it. For it was a much-needed nap. I stretched and pulled out a Clif bar that was in my bag. I was starting to open up when I had an idea. Right next to Sound's monitor was my work area. I had a desk and a mini-fridge. I knew that I had a Monster Energy drink in there. I smiled evilly because Sound hate's it when I have that crap in my system. He had told me that it made me jittery because of it.

Usually, I would have it when I was working a long night with him. Still, I needed the energy to boost my system, for I don't know when I'll get back home or even if there is a place to call home anymore. I shook my head to clear it from all of those negative thoughts. I was wearing my hoodie that said 'Wyoming' on it. With the gold and brown color of our college football team. I placed both snacks in my pouch.

Then I started to climb up his wall to the vent. I could hear the air whistling through it. Which meat that we were in space and not in the Earth's atmosphere. I walked through it carefully until I reached the bridge. Sound was at the main monitor typing while Airachnid was standing behind Sound. There were Troopers on both sides of the catwalk. Breakdown and Knock Out entered the room. I thought someone was going to make a speech. I left the vent and was able to make it to the primary monitor. Sound tilted his head towards me. I nodded my head to show that I was better. I pulled out the Clif Bar and the Monster Drink. I looked at him, and I could see that he was glaring at me behind his visor.

I shrugged and ate both of them. I had to let the Monster Drink sit for a minute before I opened it. The last thing I wanted to do is have it explode all over me. I watched Sound as he typed, looking for Megatron's signal and the Autobots. I was surprised about this, but a lot can happen in a 45-minute nap. I was about to ask him about that when Airachnid spoke.

"Fellow Deceptions, while our loyalty to Megatron's command has always remained steadfast, our leaser's recent behavior has been questionable at best, and it would seem as though Earth has become nothing short of a failed experiment." She pointed towards the primary monitor with a volcano spewing smoke.

"Commander Airachnid, you're not suggesting that we abandon Lord Megatron?" I glanced over at Knock Out, who had his arms spread open. Breakdown was looking at him, I believe. It was hard to see. I haven't spotted Nirtours yet. I knew she was in here somewhere. She was the weapons tech. Which I found was amazing.

"Despite Soundwave efforts, we have been unable to detect our Master's signal."

'We?!" I thought angrily, and I knew Sound was starting to get angry now that I could hear him growling under his breath.

"Megatron is either permanently off-line or in the thrall of Unicron. Neither is the best interests of the Decepticons, so I am deeming an exodus to be the most prudent course of action. Unless anyone has a problem with that." I was shocked at what she was saying. I was watching her now. I had stopped noticing Sound and what he was doing. Then she turned around to face us after a moment when no one spoke.

"Set course for Regulon 4." I was watching her and noticed that her poster changed. That was when I jumped from a loud band. I looked over at Sound, who was a good portion away from the monitor and me.

Sound wave facing her and looked like he wasn't going to budge from his stop. I recognized this form. It was his starting stance when he would get ready to fight. I could feel a smile was growing on my face.

"You have something to say, Soundwave?"


Airachnid got transformed into her spider mode, "I command this vessel. You will resume your post."

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