Chapter 35

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Sound had opened the blast shields to let in the light and started repairing the camera in there. I went into the vent to watch what Megatron would do. When I got there, Starscream was closer to the door. Megatron and Dreadwing were further away, and in between the both of them were the Omega keys. Scream on his knees to make him smaller before Megatron.

"Few things of value come without a price. So, tell me, Starscream, what is it that you wish in return?"

"Only to be a Deception once again," Starscream explained, bowing down.

"Dreadwing is my first Lieutenant now."

Scream lifted up his head to look at them, "And I accept that much has changed during my absence. I only wish to serve you, my one true Master, in any way that you deem fit." I raised my eyebrow at Scream's behavior because it was so unlike him.

"I am deeply impressed by your accomplishment, Starscream. And know that I will put your offering to good use, whatever the outcome."

"Uh, outcome? Of what?" Scream questioned.

"See to it that Knock Out is extracted from the wall," Megatron ordered.

With that, everyone left the bridge. I made my way to the Medical Center. Knock Out was stretching when I got there, and both Megatron and Scream were on a slab.

"Ah, it's good to be back." He had the cord he used on Smokescreen and walked underneath the slab. I couldn't see what he was doing since I chose to stay in the shadows in the rafters.

"Now, what will we be fishing for today, My Liege?"

Megatron looked over at Scream, "Starscream's true motives."Scream shifted uncomfortably before Knock Out-did the same thing to Scream. The first thing on the monitor was the space bridge exploding.

"Deceptions, it is with deep sorrow that I note for the log, Megatron's spark has been extinguished. All Hail Starscream." Scream said while at the head of the bridge.

"All Hail Starscream!"

"Well, well. You certainly didn't waste any time." Scream looked around for Megatron until he looked back in front of himself.

Scream yelped in surprise and took a few steps back, "What?! I just watched you perish!" Scream pointed at Megatron.

"I did not perish then, and I'm very much with you now -- the present you as well as the past."

"All Hail Starscream!" The view went behind Scream, and I had to look away. It was where Scream was dancing and celebrating his new leadership at the Deceptions.

'I don't need a reminder of what he did or his dance moves.'

"This is going to be juicy." I perk up at Knock Out voice.

'He right, this is going to be good. The ultimate blackmail.' I thought as a smile was forming on my face.

"You're inside my head, aren't you."

"The cortical psychic patch."

'So that is what it is called. I'll need to do some research on that.'

"You see, there are no secrets in here... only your memories. You cannot manipulate their content or modify their outcome. What we see is how it happened."

They jumped to where Sound and Scream went to awaken Skyquake. There he was met by Optimus Prime.

"If you want to be a true leader, Starscream, then stray from Megatron's path and lead the Deceptions towards peace."

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