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You have reached the end of this story.

Holy crap!!!! This took me a while to write. As of right now, I'm working on 6 stories. Stupid writing block. I will work on one story and then I get another idea for another that won't stop coming up with ideas until I write them.

Will I post them in the near future? Two for sure. One will continue this end and will do rebuild the relationship between Soundwave and Arcee. Which will be three stories in total.

The next one is a double fanfic of both Criminal Minds and Transformers. I know I made a post about this a while back, but I don't know who really read those. I know I do half the time. So I'll post the first part of that story and see how everyone is liking it.

If it is liked, I'll do more, but it will depend on what people are interested in. So we will see and for the other 4 I'll speak on it a later date when I get more of story written.

That is the end of this ramble. I'm really glad that you have enjoyed this story. Now excuse me, I have to go sit down and write one of my 5 stories now.

'Till all are one.


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