Chapter 15

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Today was Halloween. It was time to finish up the horror Marathon. It has been fun doing this with the Cons, especially for Breakdown after losing his eye to Silas. We had to cancel it one weekend because Megatron was getting suspicious about where his crew was going. I was getting the movie set up, but the duo wasn't working for some reason. Viper and Chris were down by the screen in case that was the problem. I was so busy getting things set up that I didn't notice Megatron, Starscream, and Soundwave coming over.

"So," I snapped my head over to where the voice was coming from, "This is where my crew went."

I happened to be on my roof, and I was going to explain. Still, the movie finally loaded and started playing the opening music. It had scared everyone, including Sound, who jumped a little. I started to laugh and pressed pause on the movie, "S-s-sorry," trying to stop my fit of giggles. I saw that my brothers were coming back towards the house and a shadow figure approaching the house fast. Before I had a chance to warn Chris, he was launched in the air. It was like watching a cartoon; he did half of a backflip before leading on his stomach. Viper was smart enough to jump out of the way before landing on the hood of Knock Out.

There was a curse from Knock Out about the dent that would be on his hood, but before he could get a chance to throw Viper off, the mysterious shadow was identified. It was Discord who came running up towards Sound. He skidded to a stop and rolled over to have his belly rubbed. It was an adorable sight. Sound was trying so hard not to take Discord in his arms and love him. Starscream looked like he was about to get killed, and Megatron had a smile on his face. The next thing that surprised all of us, Megatron, kneeled down and rubbed Discord's belly. Discord loved it so much that he started to let out a pleasing growl and kicked one of his hind legs.

"This is what happens when an alien is raised by dogs." I heard Chris, I could feel that he was looking at me, and I looked back, but with a glare. Surprised, surprised, he was doing the same thing. I noticed that Viper was looking between the two of us before he looked over to Megatron.

"Ummm... Will it be alright if we have everyone for about 11 hours, Lord Megatron?"

"It depends if this is a closed group and what is being shown?" Megatron questioned.

I explained what it was, but Sound got to it first, he played my invitation about the horror movies. I was glad that he didn't add my part about Megatron. I didn't know if he would be happy that I was stealing his crew to watch movies. He nodded his head and looked over at me.

"So what are we watching?"

I could feel my lips twitching into a smile. I explained that we'll be watching four movies, and these were the last four. It would start with The Shinning, following Doctor Sleep, and the last would be IT. He nodded his head and stood back up. He had Discord his one of his hands and was gently rubbing his back. Even from our distance from each other, I could hear Discord's growl of pleasure. Before I knew it, "I hope that the former Gladiator of the Pits and war-torn leader of the Deceptions won't be afraid of some human horror movies. Which are some of the scariest movies out there." There was no one stopping me, and I had a wicked smile on my face.

I could hear my heartbeat racing in my ears.

"I would like to see you try, Midna," Megatron answered.

I leaned back into my position on my bench under my window and played the movie. Beforehand, I put my computer on 'Do Not Disturb.' I wouldn't get any notations during the movie, which has happened one too many times for my liking. I pressed play on the movie, and it started back up. There was some small talk, and Chris had to toss Viper his blanket and pillow. He made sure that there wasn't a dent on Knock Out and stayed where he was. We were about 9 minutes into the movie, and Chris was still making noises. Starscream looked over at him with an eyebrow raised. Sound also looked over. I was getting annoyed that I took my cup of water and looked over the roof's edge.

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