Chapter 43

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I watched Megatron and Starscream enter the laboratory that Shockwave had claimed, high above them where none to see. I could see that Starscream was getting up from his knees as he had tried to beg Megatron to spare his life once again. Megatron gave Starscream a disappointed look, and that was when they started to make both of their ways to the heart of Project Predacon. It was here that I was finally able to hear what was being spoken.

"The Predacon clones have almost fully evolved and will be combat-ready within three solar cycles," Shockwave explained as he walked closer to Megatron and Starscream.

"Well done, Shockwave. Knock Out, I'm waiting."

I could hear Knock Out's response, "On my way, Lord Megatron." It wasn't long before Knock Out came down with the first batch of Synthetic Energon.

"Synthetic Energon. Troops will be delivering my remaining supply to you." Knock Out explained as he walked over to Shockwave, who pointed over to an area where Knock Out placed it down.

"I will determine its value after Lord Megatron's Predacon army is ready for deployment," Shockwave explained. That was when a screening growl came at the entrance of the cave. I looked over, and I saw the Predacon entering the room. Starscream walked up to it with a pipe in his hands.

"Unruly beast. You dare to roam freely without permission?" Starscream question while hitting it on its head. It roared at Starscream, who screamed and stumbled backward before falling down. That was when the beast moved forwards, and Starscream curled up in a ball. Then, before anything else happened, the beast transformed. I felt my jaw drop at what I was witnessing.

"What?" I heard Starscream questioned before the beast kneeled close down to him.

"Strike me again, and I will bury that rod in your spark."

"I-I did not realize that the beast was capable of transformation." Starscream back away from the beast, closer to Megatron and the others.

"Nor did I.," Megatron questioned, looking closely at Shockwave.

"I am no beast."

Starscream let out a yelp as it walked closer to Megatron before stopping at one of the pods holding a Predacon.

"The ability to transform is a fundamental part of Cybertronian biology. We simply possessed no evidence that the Predacon species ever reached that evolutionary stage, since they became extinct in the great cataclysm." Shockwave explained.

"And now we know," Starscream stated sarcastically.

"So the rumors are true. I will no longer be alone."

"And I see you've been keeping secrets." Megatron walked towards the beast, who turned around to face him.

"It was not my intention to deceive you, Lord Megatron. I only recently became aware of my abilities. All I remember of my beginning is hunting... and battle... and the wounding of my pride. Thus I began to burn with questions. Who am I? Where did I come from? The Warship's databanks provide historical fact, but still, I possessed no memory of my own past.

"So I began to reconsider my place in the present and wondered, could I be like the others? And now I know."

"Yet you are unique, a miracle of science cloned by Shockwave from Cyber-Nucleic Acid recovered from the remains of your mighty ancestors," Megatron explained. The beast looked at his clone in thought. With that, they took the elevator back to the ship, and that was when I took my leave.



I was with Sound, and I got a strange text from Knock Out saying that we meet up with him. Nitrous was already there as she was readying the next batch of Synthetic Energon. Sound was intrigued by this message, and we went our way. Nitrous was surprised to see us, and that was when the door opened. Sound took a step back, and that was when we saw that the beast had transformed. My jaw dropped. Nitrous moved out of the way as the beast and Megatron walked in front of us.

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