Chapter 9

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I yawned at the information about Area 51 being breaking into from a nut job. It had gotten so bad that there were almost 100 different reports about this topic. I had to write a report about each one and why we need to address that Area 51 isn't home to aliens, and there isn't an Aliens at the base. But since my job was a paper push, it showed that the government doesn't care about this information.

My computer had a message box pop up over in the bottom right corner.



'Late night?'


I looked over at Sound, who wasn't even looking at me. I opened up the message on my computer and messaged Sound.



'I hate when you do that. And no. Have you heard about the conspiracy theory about Area 51?'


'No. What is that place?'


'It's an Air Force Base to test advanced aircraft, but somewhere in time, someone came up with the idea that they house aliens. Because of what they were testing and what was going on behind the doors. So secretive that the people working there had to sign a document saying that they couldn't speak about it and the fact that there so little building on the base and small, but the government puts a lot of money into the base.'


I looked up at Soundwave, and he was about to continue speaking with me until he heard a transmission. He left me and walked up to Starscream and played.

"'Wheeljack! What are you doing all the way out here?'

"'Bulkhead? That's you? What's with all of the security?'

"'The rock we are on is crawling with Cons.'" Sound played back.

"A war hero. Mmm... We haven't much time. Makeshift!"

A mech came up, but it was so hard to what he actually looks like. It was the body of Knock Out in a way, but not a whole lot. Soundwave was still playing the recording and released a tentacle that went into Makeshift chest. Then he started to change his form. While this was going on, it looked like Sound was downloading information to Makeshift.


"I, too, know how to prepare a proper welcome." Starscream started with a smirk on his face.


After Makeshift was turned into Wheeljack, who looks like a warrior who could kick the scrap out of Starscream, Sound got the coordinates where Wheeljack would land before heading to the Autobot base. Sound was on his way to his room, and I was still filling out papers on his shoulder. I yawned again as soon as Sound went into his room.

"Are they really that boring?" Sound asked.

I looked over, and Sound had taken off his visor, and he would only do it when we were alone and in his room.

"Yes. It is. Because it has to be a different one each time." I explain.

I jumped down from Sound and landed on his bed which wasn't hard. Some metal is soft and spring-like a human matters. I plotted down and closed my eyes. I felt some movement as Sound placed my backpack down next to me.

"Can I take a nap?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"Cause, this is your room and your space."

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