Chapter 33

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I had left the Bridge not too long ago, and Midna joined me. She was happy at what Megatron had done with Silas, and I couldn't blame her. She was going to help me with decoding before she had gotten a phone call. I was working hard, and that was when I heard the door open. I turned around and saw that it was Nitrous and Knock Out. Both had high Energon, and Nitrous had a case of monster. I tilted my helm at this.

"I see, John. While you are at it, I need you to classify anything that deals with M.E.C.H. or Colonel Leland Bishop. Why? I have found out that M.E.C.H. was dealing with alien technology, and I need that information to stay hidden still since the world isn't ready. Secondly, I have confirmation that Colonel Bishop is no longer with us. It would be prudent that former members of M.E.C.H. who are still alive and don't know about his death. Thank you, John." Midna hung up and punched the air in celebration.

"Huge win. Trade it for a small celebration." Nitrous stated. This caused Midna to turn and face us. She pointed at the monster energy case. Nitrous placed it down.

"We, mostly me, stole a watch from your hanger. It didn't look like a prototype. It said 'WV2:N'. When I took it, it asked me if I wanted to edit the hologram form." Nitrous explained.

"Please tell me you didn't have Energon beforehand or after?" Midna asked, and I shuddered at my experience of mass displacement at that large scale, which didn't go unnoticed by Knock Out and Nitrous.

"No. Why?"

"Because that is for you, Nitrous. I'm still working on yours, Knock Out. Sound already has his, and that is why I asked about the energon. If you have Energon beforehand or even after, you will get very sick. Somehow in that form, you cannot have your normal subsidence of fuel. Hints, the reason why I asked. How did you even pay for this Nitrous?" Midna explained.

"She got hit on a drunk mech, and she let him live if he gave her all of his money." Knock Out explained.

"Nice." Midna opened a can, and I lifted up my visor a bit. We talked for a bit and the party for us who knew about Midna's history with Silas. Nitrous didn't ask Dreadwing because he was new and wouldn't care about human life as much. Knock Out figured that Silas would be an experiment that was enough to satisfy Midna's revenge from Megatron.


After some time, I had finally found the location of the following coordinates. I brought this to Megatron.

"You have decoded the next Iacon coordinates?" Megatron bent down to see where it was at, "Excellent, Soundwave!" He stood back up and faced the front, "Then it is time to beta test our decoy." The device started beeping, and it was my job to keep the Autobots busy. I activated it in the mountains of China. Hopefully, the fog was thick enough down on the ground that they wouldn't be able to see me. I got 4 signals that show that the Autobots had arrived.

'Let the mouse game begin.'


"Sound. Get back to the Nemesis. The Autobots have arrived." Midna comm in.

I was surprised that she was on the ship. I quickly opened a bridge for myself and got back quicker. I entered and quickly found my way to the Bridge. Megatron had already come aboard, and Nitrous had Midna. When I saw that the relic was the Star Saber, and it was in Optimus Prime servos.

"Drop the mountain on him," Megatron ordered.

It was down, and it started to roll down the hill, but before it could crush him, it was cut in half. Everyone on the ship was quiet. No one wanted to break the silence, especially after what we had seen. We started to leave the area until Prime and sent out a beam of energy that hit our thrusters.

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