Chapter 1

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'I hate being sick. It makes me miss more days in school, and I don't want to fall behind in class. Who knew, being a 3rd grader could be so hard.' I thought as I was sitting next to my window and look outside. I could see my reflection. My long black hair was messing from not brushing it since this morning, and my dark blue-gray eyes were a little red from watering so much.

I heard a knock on my door. I looked over there to see my dad was standing in the doorway.

"How are you doing, sweetheart?" He asked me.

"I'm feeling better, but board out of my mind," I said as I close my book.

When I did, I saw something out of the corner of my eye, which made me look out my window completely. I heard my dad's footsteps walking over towards me. He looked out the window, and we saw a shooting star.

"What did you wish for?" He asked, looking over at me.

"To get better and not be sick," I said to him, still looking out of my window.

He chuckled lightly and kiss me on top of my head.

"Okay, sweetheart. Now don't stay up too late. You need for sleep if you want to get better." He said as he stood up.

"I won't, dad," I said, still looking out my window.

He walked away from me and closed my door. I turned off my lamp that was next to the window and continued looking out the window. I was looking out the window until I saw something bigger than a shooting star. I watched it closely. I gasped aloud when it went over to my house. I opened my window and climbed out of it.

'I'm so glad that my brothers and I sleep on the top floor. It makes it so much easier to get on the roof.' I smiled at the thought that I had.

Once I was on my roof, I looked where the shooting star had landed. I could see the smoke from the star as it hit the ground. I quickly made it off of my roof and started to run towards the smoke. I was breathing heavily because when I'm sick, I have hard breathing at times. When I made it to the crash site, I stop. I was starstruck at what I was seeing. It was a giant metal robot. I saw it moved, and I quickly went to a hiding spot.

I saw that it stood. I looked at it with wide eyes. I wasn't scared of the thing, but more amazed by the thing. It took a step, but then it fell to the ground.

'It must be hurt.' I thought as I move out of my hiding spot.

I must be crazy. I was walking towards a giant robot that looks like it could kill me without a second chance. When I was about ten feet from the robot, I started to speak, "Are you alright?"

The head of the robot turned to face me, and I could see that it was a mirror of some sort. I could see my reaction, and I didn't show any fear.

"You shouldn't be out here. If you are found, you will be taken away, and you will have experiments done on you." I stated.

The robot nodded his head and stand up again before falling down again. I jumped at the shockwave that I felt.

"Is there something that I can do, so you can walk?" I asked, walking closer to the robot.

The robot noticed that I was getting closer, and it swings its hand at me. I moved out of the way, but it was too close for me. I fell to the ground and landed on my butt. I looked at the robot and glared at it.

"Look! I'm trying to help you out!" I yelled at the robot, and I was standing up.

The robot flinched a bit. I didn't know it was the sound of my voice or the fact was I wanted to help him out. The robot looked away a bit, then it went back to me. The robot nodded its head. I smiled and went over to its legs. I saw both of them were cut open and were bleeding. I took a sharp breath in at what I saw. The robot's blood was blue.

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