Chapter 45

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I could sense that the war was about over as Ratchet was now on the ship, granted he was detained. The reason was that he knew the formula for the Synthetic Energon, but he wasn't cooperating. Though that was going to change soon. Ratchet wanted the restoration of his homeworld just as much as the Decepticon, but peacefully through.

I was on the Bridge when Predaking showed up. Megatron was already here, but from the look of Predaking, he was furious, and Megatron was going to be the one to get it.

"Lord Megatron, I understand that you have brought an accursed Autobot aboard this warship," Predaking explained, though in a scary calm tone of voice.


"Then I will accomplish with him what I failed to with the Prime." I heard metal shifting, and I looked over at Predaking, and he had transformed his left arm into a blaster. I was shocked that he could do this. Though if he could transform, he should have been able to do this. Megatron turned around and started to walk towards Predaking.

"Predaking, this Autobot is more than a prisoner. You do wish for Cybertron's restoration, do you not?" Predaking lowered his arm, "Our captive's usefulness will come to an end. And when that time arrives, I assure you, he will be all yours." Megatron promised.

With that, both Megatron and Predaking left the Bridge as Shockwave had called Megatron to the Medical center. I was also debating whether or not to stick around as that could compromise my identity. This would be likely the case if the Autobots choose to rescue their medic. Before I could make a decision, my phone went off. I looked at it, and I saw that I've got a text message which read as the following,




I know you are busy with aliens and alien technology, but we could really use your help here. Do you remember that story about how Marcs helped out The Fox A.K.A. Aiden Pearce. Well, we may have caused a problem for him without us knowing because of Lenni. *****! Also, do you remember that sniper in the suit well... He's here too. ****!!!!

If you can, let me know or others ASAP!!


I'll be there and excellent job of limiting your curse words in a text. Neither of us needs a repeat after my mom glanced at my phone.


( ᵔ ͜ʖ ᵔ )


I sent Sound a text saying that I was leaving and probably not be back on the ship, but I'll be around in the cameras. Then I bridge off the ship.



I got a message from Midna that she was leaving, and she didn't know if she would be back. That let her know that was fine. I was multitasking as I walked with Megatron and Starscream as we were going to see Ratchet. The door opened, and I could hear speaking,

"Are you through poking around inside my head? You didn't find what you wanted, did you? Or else you wouldn't be here."

"What I want apparently does not yet exist," Megatron explained.

"And that would be...?"

"We would very much like for you to complete your work on the formula for Synthetic Energon."

"Even if I were capable, do you think that would hand you a limitless supply of fuel and ammunition just so you can turn around and use it against the Autobots?" Ratchet angrily explained before turning his back against us.

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