Chapter 36

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I was doing a report about Starscream rejoining us again. I was almost done. I heard the door open and shut.

"Soundwave." I turned and saw that it was Dreadwing. I tilted my helm to see what he wanted."I'm going to take off for a couple Deca Cycles. Having Starscream has brought memories of my fallen twin, and I need time to sort them out before we take down the Autobots. I may travel out of commutation range, so I wanted to let you know." Dreadwing explained. I was confused, but I nodded at him, and he left. I watched him leave.

'Weird.' I thought for a moment before going back to my work. I had finished and was on my way to get Midna as she had messaged me to say that Starscream surgery was done. I was on my way when Knock Out came running towards me.

I stopped, and he pointed towards and was speaking, but these words were incoherent where he came from, and there was an echo of a laser shot. I shoved Knock Out out of the way and ran towards the sound. I stood at the room entrance and saw that Megatron had Dreadwing's gun in his servers, and in front of him was Dreadwing's fallen body. Which was not far from Starscream. I looked around and saw Midna coming out from behind Megatron. I let out a sigh of relief to see that she was okay.

"I'm okay? I'm okay!" Starscream stated before laughing crazily, "Lord Megatron, you have my eternal thanks." Megatron walked up to him, and I made my way over to Midna. I kneeled down and opened my servo to her. She climbed in, and I stood up and caught Megatron's warning to Starscream.

"Do not ever make me regret which one of you I spared." Megatron turned around and saw both of us. I bowed my helm, and he walked out. I looked over at Starscream before leaving the room. I followed Megatron almost all to the bridge when Nitrous came up to us.

She bowed at Megatron, "My Lord, I have confirmed that the Autobot base is somewhere in Jasper, Nevada. I have yet to find the actual location."

"Jasper, Nevada?" Midna mussed.

Megatron turned around and faced us, "Do you know where the base is, Midna?"

Midna scoffed and had a smirk on her face, "No, and besides, where would the fun be in that if I told you where. But there shouldn't be any alien active in Jasper, unless..." Midna paused for a moment before narrowing her eyes, "Sound, can you bridge me home. I need to make some phone calls, and none are going to be pretty." Midna looked up at me, and I could see the fire in her eyes. I nodded and placed her down, opened a bridge, and she walked through. Once she was through it closed, I soon heard Nitrous shuttering.

I look back at her, "Can we just universally agree to never anger her, please." Nitrous looked over at Megatron, and he nodded his helm. There we were both dismissed, and we went on our way. I continued towards the bridge as I had to log Dreadwing's death.


"Lord Megatron," I turned and saw Starscream and Knock Out enter the bridge with the keys. I noticed that Knock Out had a scratch on his paint job and heard Nitrous scoff.

"Oh look, it's Dumb and Dumber." Nitrous whisper next to me. As she was on the bridge for a few cycles now.

"We have founded out what the keys do." Knock Out explained. They walked forwards, and they hit two of the keys together, making a high whirring sound before doing the same with the other two. It then brought up a map of Cybertron. Starscream and Knock Out backed away from it as Megatron came up to it. Nitrous and I came up behind the two and looked at it with interest.

"Of course! Keys are useless without something to unlock." Megatron turned his helm a little, 

"Target the space bridge for Cybertron." I left as soon as I heard 'target' because if the Autobots knew of this information, our time was short. Though it was impossible for the Autobots to even travel to Cybertron, it showed that we shouldn't be careless.

Transformers Prime: Human DecepticonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora