Chapter 28

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I was looking over videos and files about the attack on the Alden Military Base. I was using my left arm very uncomfortably to look through them. I wasn't able to use my right arm as Flygirl had a hold of it and was drawing on it. The scar that Airanched had given wasn't going to go away at all. This would be the second scar that I couldn't get rid of. The first was the line where they patch me up after Bishop had betrayed me. I was not really paying attention to the world around me.

"Done." I heard Flygirl say.

"Nice. Though what is it?"

I jumped at that voice because it was Sound. I looked over, and he was standing at the entrance of the living room.

"Well, I was trying to go something simple, like a flower blooming out of the areas, but it turned out to be a badass squid with weapons."

I looked over at it, and it was a squid. There were two arms out of the small triangles off to the main, while four were in the main one. The head was at the top triangle. I loved it. Before I remembered that it was trash, I started to look around for my phone by my blood. I slumped into my seat. I got a couple of chuckles before Sound pulled something out of his pocket. He walked over to me and handed it to me. It was my phone. I didn't ask any questions because it was impossible to get a straight answer from Sound when it came to stuff like this. I took a picture and sent it out to Missy and Sunny, saying that I was an open canvas now.

"Why were the humans starting to attack the Autobots? Are they supposed to be on your side?"

I looked up and saw that Sound was leaning against the back of my couch and was reading the file.

"Yes, but it wasn't them. It was M.E.C.H." I explained. Flygirl was leaving at his point to do something. It was just the two of us at home. Crusher, Viper, and Chris went out shopping to get our gifts since we had already gotten theirs. It was a secret Santa, but with siblings teaming up and getting each other gifts.

"So it looks like they learned how to use our Biology properly."

"Yeah. Now just need to find him. If he is still alive."

"What do you mean?"

I brought up an image of the knockoff of Optimus Prime and the place where it was founded.

"Mech is known for clearing out an area they have been in and like to do without leaving any sort of evidence." I explained.


We were reading through the document until an email came up. I opened it, and it was from General Bryce. The subject read, 'Tribunal?' It was sent to Smith, Johnson, my mom, and me. I saw a video attached to it. I opened it, and it started to play. It was with Agent Fowler.'This is going to be good.'


The video was halfway through when my mom came home, and Sound was sitting down next to me. I paused the video, and we both greeted her. She saw what was on my screen.

"The ending is the best." Before leaving us. I looked over at Sound, who shrugged. I played it again. We both started to laugh at one point, and I understood why there was being a Tribunal in question.

"Agent Fowler, I'm sorry to say I'm forced to discontinue this debriefing until you undergo a psychological evaluation."


"As a representative of the United States government, I leave that you may have lost your sanity."

Agent Fowler was shocked by this, and this was where our giggles started before Fowler started his defense, "General Bryce, I assure you that I am quite sane."

"It defies all logic, Bill. Dark Energon? And go on record saying that you believe in magical horses with horns on their heads."


"Do you deny previously implying that Megatron helped defeat a unicorn?"

'Fowler, don't dig yourself a deeper hole.' I thought as I started missing what was being said next.


"We're on the verge of an even greater threat than we faced before. The Decepticons are on the hunt for long-buried relics from Cybertron. Preliminary intel suggests they could be sacred objects with mystical properties or weapons of mass destruction."


"Uh, strike that, too! The point I'm here is -- Ugh! Hold on!" Agent Fowler asked as he pulled out his phone before speed dialing someone.

"Prime? I need an assist." He walked over to the window and pulled up the blinds. Then the ground started to shake a second later Prime showed his face and the cameraman fell down.

"Agent Fowler, have you uncovered MECH agents?"

"No. They're okay. General Byrce here just needs to confirm the state of your health and welfare."

"I am fine, General Bryce. How are you?" Prime asked the camera facing him, which went back to Bryce.

"I'm well, uh, solder." Then the camera jumps back to Prime and Fowler and back to Bryce. At this moment, Sound and I were trying to not burst out laughing as we were closer to the end, and we wanted to see what would happen.

"Bill... I believe I have everything I need to make a persuasive case that Optimus Prime is, indeed, alive and well..." camera going back to those two, "and firmly on our side."

Fowler saluted, "We appreciate your support, Sir."

"Dismissed." He started to walk out of the room with a smile on his face before the video ended irreparably.

At that point, Sound and I are dying of laughter. It takes us a couple of minutes before we are 

back to our usual selves, with a few giggles slipping out here and there.

"Well, that was funny." Sound commented. I agreed with him.

"So, Midna, what do you think?" I heard my mom's voice. I looked over at her.

"You're not seriously thinking about giving him a Tribunal, are you?" I asked.

"No. We already voted on that, I'm talking about your lieutenant. Have you picked one?"

I looked sheepishly away. I still haven't picked one. None of them were on my level of classification or would be able to work with my crazy mind.

"Do I have to pay for my college now?" I heard Sound asking.

I looked at him and back at my mom. They both had a smile on their face. I looked back through the application, and there was one that caught my eye.

Sean Darnell. In the process of going through law school. Highest scores in weapons, field training, and already had 'Top Secret' classification rating. I was reading more of it, and that was when it clicked.

"When did you have the time to do this?" I looked over at Sound.

"The same month you gave me the ability to be human size." He explained with a smirk.

"I hate you."

Transformers Prime: Human DecepticonUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum