Chapter 8

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It's been a week since Starscream had found Lord Megatron, and Knock Out was still making his way to the Nemesis from wherever he was. I was on my couch in the living room, looking at the damage that had happened to Megatron. I was gonna see if there was anything I could help Knock Out along the way.

Yes, he had his assistant, Breakdown, but I wanted to learn more about their biology, and what no better than learning hands-on.

"You know that their biology is going to be different than our right, Midna?"

I could see Viper was right behind me from the reflection of his face on my screen.

"Yes, but there are a few similarities between our species, unlike the Xenomorphs," I stated.

I wasn't really supposed to show anyone about aliens "stuff." Still, it didn't help that your grandfather was an alien and your grandmother wasn't supposed to have any kids, but she did. Six kids in eight years. It was also nice to have another input about why I wasn't home most weekends. Not to mention, the three of us couldn't keep our mouths shut when it came to alien things. It was starting to get annoying when Sound would keep asking me where we got Discord. It wasn't the fact I didn't trust him; it was the fact he hadn't met my grandfather, who wasn't really too king on meeting other alien races. I would have to wait until they are up here and when Sound wasn't busy to meet them.

"Anyway. Aren't you supposed to be at a pep band game?" Viper asked.

"Canceled. The other teams broke down in the middle of nowhere because they wanted to take a shortcut and the nearest town is 50 miles away, and they are small. So small in fact that the school can't really participate in any sport, not even 2A. So they have to wait for a mechanic to come out to fix the bus and give them some gas."

"The sucks. This is why Wyoming can't have nice things." Chris said.

I looked up from my screen and saw Chris coming in with three Mnt. Dews. One for each of us.

"I love it when we get the house to ourselves for a weekend." Viper said as he eagerly took the soda.

I took it, and we all opened the cans and cheered. I felt my phone going off, and I looked down at it.



You, humans, are weird.


I smiled and put my drink down on the side table next to the left of me and place my computer on the coffee table in front of me. I got up and walked towards the front door, and walked outside to the warm autumn temperatures.

"No one likes being watch Nitrous."

A black car came up and transformed, and there were quite a few purple cars down my driveway and looked a lot like each other.

"Starscream is having a bunch of Troopers going out to find Knock Out even though he said he'll be here." Nitrous stated, "And myself and a few other Troopers enjoyed the movie, that we were hoping if there was a second one?"

"Well, you are in luck; there is a rumor that they are making a second, and they started to film it, but when it's coming out. Nobody knows." Viper informed. Groaning coming from the Troopers down below.

"But if you guys want to watch alien movies, you more than welcome to," Chirs yelled from the doorway.

I looked up at Nitrous, who had a smile on her face, and nodded her head.

"Viper, will you get the projector, speakers, and extension cords. Chirs give him a hand. Nitrous, follow me. I can show where you and the Troopers to where you can be to watch the movies." I ordered.

I walked towards my personal hanger, went towards the left side of the entrance, and grabbed a chain. I unlocked it and pulled one side of it down to have a huge white screen come down.

Chris and Viper came out with a big box. I opened my hands to have one of them throw me the extension cable, and they did. I plugged it in the outlet and walk back to them bring the cable, and plugging in a power strip. Viper went running to the house to grab a table. Nitrous walked over and transformed into her vehicle mode.

I climbed on top of her hood and started to look through my library of movies. I had the whole Alien Franchise. Including the new one, Prometheus, and I figured we could start with that one since it was a prequel. I heard an out-of-breath Viper and a thud of a table being set down.

I looked up, and he had brought more than just a table. He brought camping chairs, my computer changer, and blankets. I got off of Nitrous because she was more than likely to move during the movies. I set my computer down and open my camping chair, and sat in front of the table. I connected the projector and the speakers making sure that everything was loud and clear. I could hear the excitement from the Troopers from the series I picked.

"Minda, are you sure that humans haven't encountered Xenomorphs before?" Nitrous asked.

I turned in my seat to look at her. I raised an eyebrow at her.

'Play it cool. I don't need to spell it out yet. Hopefully, those two will understand.' I thought about taking a deep breath in without her noticing.

"Have you?" I said, letting it out.

"Personally no, but we know of their race and their enemy, the Yautja, but, strangely, they haven't fought lately."

"Wait. You have seen these two races. They are supposed to be made up, not real." Chris emphasizes.

'Thank you, Chirs.'

"Chris, the universe is 13.8 billion years old, and humans have been around for 200,000 years. Of course, there are going to be other life forms out there in space. We just don't have the right technology to explore all of it, but we are close." Viper mock.

Chirs turned to face Viper, and before they could start an argument, I press play on the movie, shutting them both up.


We had to watch Prometheus and the first Alien, and we were about 30 minutes in the second one. The sun had finally gone down halfway through Prometheus, which the Cons liked since they jumped less, and it was now easier to see the movie. I was sitting in my chair very comfortable. I had to pull out my phone to let Sound know why Nitrous wasn't back yet, and he had taken it well, but Starscream wasn't happy. Which caused him to call me from my computer, which annoyed me so much that I had to block him from calling me. Everyone was shocked that I blocked him, but I wasn't going to let him ruin my movie night.

Two movies later, and it was time for everyone to go. Nitrous and the Vechinons had to go back, and I felt back for them. All were so jumpy, and it was great but bad for them because Starscream would make the next few days hard for them. I was about to call it quits, too, until Viper brought out the Xbox. I couldn't say no, even if it was 2 in the morning.

'Sound is going to have a field day with me tomorrow.'

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