Chapter 18

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I was on the bridge, and I had just got introduced to Airachnid. I'll not hesitate to admit that she is messed up in the head. She had a ship that had crashed here, and it was the very same one when I had to watch that interview with that high guy. It was destroyed by Arcee and a human boy named Jack. She wasn't upset that she had lost her ship, but her collocation of alien hands that she had killed during her travels through the universe. That unsettled me, which is saying a lot since I'm part Yautja. Though the Yautja would kill when the other side has a chance to fight.

Once the introduction was done, I went over to Nitrous and stayed with her while Megatron and Airachnid talked. It was hard to hear the conversation since both Nitrous, and I and half of a dozen Troopers typed away. Though I did catch the last little bit when Starscream had entered the room.

"Is this true?" Megatron's voice boomed.

"Starscream never mentioned it." Airachnid.

I looked up and saw that Starscream was starting to get a bit unconformable  before the conversation continued.

"If he's up to his old tricks I shall grind him into powder." Megatron explained before Starscream somewhat cleared his throat. Megatron turned around and growled out, 


Starscream walked up to them and, with his right arm up, "Lord Megatron, please excuse Airachnid's impertinence. Now, what was it that I allegedly failed to mention?" Starscream asked.

"The Harbinger."

'The what now?' I was still listening to the conversation as I pulled up information about this topic. I heard Starscream gasped and spoke, "What about it?"

"Eons ago, a Decepticon transport crash-landed on this planet." I heard Airachnid's voice and looked up, and she had the ship that I had on my computer up on the monitor in front of the bridge.

"Oh, please, common knowledge, I scouted the crash site when we first arrived on Earth." Starscream explained.

This was true since I had read both the human and his file about this ship, though it was more detailed in Starscream's file.

"Then I presume you recovered the experimental weapon prototype the Harbinger had been transporting." Airachnied explained.

My reaction was the same as Starscream, though I raised an eyebrow. Because there wasn't anything about what the Harbinger was carrying.

"Where is the crash site." Megatron ordered.

"It was never logged into your ship's database."

"You failed to record the coordinates of a Decepticon Transport?!"

'Yes he did, but I filled them in after I found the ship. Then why...'

I looked it up, and there weren't any coordinates for the Harbinger. This was strange because I had Sound walk it through with me. After all, it was different from what I was used to.

"An oversight, Master. But I noted its exact location."

"Then you can lead Airachnid there so that she may retrieve the prototype for me." Megatron ordered.

"My personal native guide... How delightful." Arachnid said. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Starscream was getting angry. I didn't blame him. Airachnid is a Con not to be trusted. Then they left the bridge. I was contemplating if to leave at the same time as them, but I changed my mind. I was planning on finding what happened to those coordinates.


A couple of hours had passed. I still haven't found anything to prove that they were in there. I let out a sigh and rubbed my eyes. I was back on Sound since he was done with whatever he was doing early and tilted his head. I nodded to show that I was okay. We were waiting for Airachnid and Starscream to show up. Then the bridge door opened, and only one person walked through. It was Airachnid.

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