Chapter 19

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I was writing a report on what happened during what happened in the energon mine. Ratchet had tried to kill Megatron because he was on something that was making so much stronger. Knock Out came and reported to me, saying that he could get a small sample of what made Ratchet super strong. It was a synthetic energon, though it wasn't complete. He stated that it could have come from the cylinder we had tracked a couple of weeks ago.

I haven't really cared about Earth's days or Holidays since Cyberatrion really didn't have any. However, being with Minda has changed my point of view on it. It was Thanksgiving Break, whatever that was, and she was off for a couple of days from school. She was spending most of that time with her family, but she was coming in because she had found something that she was curious about. I was waiting for her when Knock Out came in with Midna. I stopped working and turned to face them and Megatron. Megatron was at the bridge when they had entered.

"Lord Megatron, Cheshire has discovered something interesting about the doom prophecy." Knock Out explained.

"What prophecy is that, Midna?" Megatron asked, not turning to face us. Midna hopped off and came over to me while Knock Out walked up towards Megatron. I picked her up while she got into her computer. I set her down, and she brought up the prophecy. There was a little bit on the screen, which read, "And it was written in the covenant of Primus that when the 47 spheres align, a perpetual conflict will culminate upon a world forged from chaos, and the weak shall perish in the shadow of a rising darkness."

I could see that Megatron was looking, though not really instead since this was a prophecy known a lot during the War of Cybertron. Megatron was about to speak when she finally pulled up the 47 spheres that were to be aligned, and Earth was the last. Not Cybertron. I was standing there shocked; how could we have missed this. Megatron growled, and if I had to guess, he went back standing in front of the bridge thinking.

"How long until this happens, Cheshire?" Knock Out asked.

"Two days, giver or take how fast some of these plants move." She answered.

I could detect that there was fear in her voice. I looked down, and she turned her head and looked at me. I could see that she was worried. Then Megatron had finally spoken.

"I did not seek out the blood of Unicron to simply keep my spark aflame, but to rule undead armies and counter worlds, and to accomplish that, I require more than this mere sliver which lives within me. So, where is my dark Energon?!" Megatron said and yelled his last two words. It made Minda and Knock Out jump a little. Since I was used to his outbursts like these, I kept still. Since Knock Out was closer to Megatron, he pointed to the left and spoke, "Out there, Lord Megatron, just waiting for you to reach out and pluck it." Knock Out clucked his servo closed to show more intensity in his statement. Megatron glared at Knock Out; knowing about that statement, Knock Out saw it too. Then he continued, "But you shouldn't push yourself so hard. You've had setbacks. You were in stasis." Megatron reached out and grabbed Knock Out off the ground, causing him to call out, "Oh!"

He brought Knock Out up to his topic level, "Precisely why I must make up for lost time! I can see the future vividly, but I must ensure its outcome, for I am the rising darkness of which the prophecy speaks!"

Knock Out agreed, and he was somewhat set gently down on his peds, even though he was trying not to lose his balance. Midna stayed for a couple of hours before heading back home. We talked a little before my scan finally showed my results. Midna tilted her head, and I tilted mine to show that we'll talk later about it. I bridged her back and went to Megatron.

He sensed my presents, and I showed him what I had found. He looked for a moment before nodding his helm.

"Go and retrieve this. Also, have you told Minda yet?" He ordered and asked. I shook my helm, though I did play a clip of voices that I would tell her. He nodded his head again, and I left the bridge.

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