Chapter 34

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I was on the bridge decoding the Iacon Database since there were only three coordinates left, and I felt that I had the right to use the bridge as my base for a bit. Since it was bigger and I could better see the data on a bigger screen than the one I was using before. I was typing away when Megatron entered, I had found the first two points, and that was when the silence in the room was broken.

Megatron laughed for a bit, "You should have seen Optimus Prime's face when his precious star saber shattered like glass and, with it, his dream of an Autobot victory. Granted, Optimus will be more determined than ever to discover the locations of the remaining Iacon entries before we can."

While he was talking, I found the next set of coordinates and brought it up to the monitor. I stopped, and I heard his heavy footsteps behind me.

"Ah, very good. I see you have decided the next set of coordinates." I started to continue to type after his comment, and that was when Knock Out made himself known.

"Way to step things up, Soundwave," I rolled my optics at him, "I do hope this Iacon relic is something less sacred and more profane, like an electro-disruptor cannon. We could use one of those."

"Indeed, Knock Out. Dreadwing, report to the bridge immediately."

"Please, Lord Megaron, allow me the honor of retrieving this relic for you."

"I'm surprised you would risk your finish so soon after your accident," I snorted quietly under my visor at Megatron's comment about Knock Out's paint job, "Nonetheless, I remain unconvinced that you are the best choice for the task since you failed to secure the phase shifter."

"I lacked the proper tools. But since Soundwave's currently occupied, I can't imagine he'll mind if I borrow this...," I could have guessed it was the relic that I had acquired, "So that I might better secure your prize and heap some hurt on the Autobots."

With that, Knock Out was dismissed, and he was on his way. It wasn't long before he was back on the bridge. This surprised me, and I had to look at the time.

'Okay, he was gone long enough to receive it.'

"Hmm. It appears identical to the one taken from me by Optimus Prime. Ah. Perhaps it is a decoy the Autobot allowed you to seize as a means of sabotage."

"Unlikely, My Liege. They battled too desperately for it."

"Then pieces of a larger puzzle, perhaps."

It was right then that I had found the third coordinate.

'One more to go.' I thought tiredly. I was used to looking at a screen, but this type of code was starting to give me a 'headache,' as Midna would say.

"Excellent, Soundwave. With any luck, these new coordinates will shed some light on the subject."

"Soundwave's on fire. And so I am."

"Do you want me to hit him?"

I got a text from Midna. I didn't respond as Megatron answered her question, "Keep your vanity in check, Doctor."

"Haven't I proven myself?!"

"Your scientific expertise remains of greater use to me analyzing our latest acquisition. I must know what this relic is and what it can do."

With that, Knock Out was leaving, and Dreadwing was entering as he left. Dreadwing did his whole spiel about how to sever Megatron. I rolled my optics, and he was given the coordinates. Then he left, and that was when there was a short yell. I turned around because that was Midna. When I saw, I could see she had grabbed Megatron at his left shoulder pad spike and was hanging off it. I was going to move to get her, but Megatron already was moving his servo. When it was under Midna, she let go to move her in front of him.

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