Chapter 48

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I was back on Cybertron again, but this time I had left Trypticon back on Earth. I was watching the coordination of Bumblebee as he was becoming a warrior. Once that was done, Wheeljack had blown up the statue of Megatron. I smirk at the destruction because it was something that Megatron would have done, and he would have blown a gasket at the loss of his statue. Though the celebration was cut short, Optimus had to leave the group as he got the AllSpark.

I perked up at this as it was what helped create new life on Cybertron. Granted, Cybertronian could create life with one another, but like any other species, the child would have to learn, and it would take a lot longer to grow than the ones that came out of the Well of All Sparks as they would be fully grown. Mentally wise, but not physically. Because of this, they would have to be trained in a specific field. They wanted to be in when their body was grown. This was most of the life on Cybertron compared to the colonies back in the Golden Age of Cybertron.

Back when my people were welcome on Cybertron. Especially before the war between the Quintessons, the Cybertronians, and the Dragons. I let out a snarl disguised as my people took most of the brute force. Though I couldn't be too angry as those on Cybertron had to help rebuild our home, we had declined as our home was a wasteland, and nothing could be grown or built again. It was a grim reminder of what happened to us.


I was back on the ship, and I was following Arcee. She was making her way to where Nitrous was being held, prisoner. Arcee had spoken to Optimus to see if she could try to bring Nitrous out of the dark hole she was in and see if she was willing to help the restoration of Cybertron. Optimus allowed it as she could help with the instruction of the Troopers. Nitrous was in a room by herself, and Arcee entered with a cube of Energon. Nitrous was curled up in a ball, but she lifted her head up.

Arcee came up to her and sat down in front of her, and handed her the cube. Nitrous took and started to drink it. Arcee started to speak to Nitrous about the plan with Cybertron and the reaction of their people. Nitrous stayed quiet and listened. Once Arcee was done speaking, Nitrous had placed down her empty cube.

"What will you have me do, Arcee?" Nitrous asked. Arcee smiled at Nitrous's eagerness.

"For starters, you would be going on patrol with me as we try to find some Enegeron caches that were left behind." Nitrous nodded her head, and she stood up. Arcee followed suit, but before they left, Arcee spoke one last time.

"Are you going to be okay, Nitrous? I know about your promise between your brothers." Nitrous had a sad smile on her face, but she nodded her head. Arcee nodded her head, and they left the room. I stayed for a moment and thought. I would need Nitrous to get Knock Out by themselves without any Autobots, so I can speak to them. I thought about how I could do that.


I had stepped outside to watch the landing platform that Bulkhead was building with the Troopers. I watched with amusement. A pair of Troopers had a piece of the cladding that they didn't need yet. They started to move back before Bulkhead had a chance to warn them. The ones carrying the cladding and hit the support beams causing him to lose his hold of the cladding and bump into the first holder of the beams. Then the cladding fell off, and the beam holder was hanging off the league. The other beam had started to lose his balance and ran into the cladding. Which caused the cladding to fall and the other holder of the cladding. He almost lost his balance and was about to fall off. Lucky he stays. Then the beams had fallen from the holder as he fell down onto the support holder, and the beams hit the one Trooper who was hanging off the edge. I laughed out loud at the whole shenanigan.

That was when Arcee and Nitrous pulled up next to Bulkhead. Nitrous laughed a little before making sure that the two Troopers who fell were okay as they needed help restore Cybertron. That was when I got the idea to speak to Nitrous in private. Though, I need to figure out how to get the idea running.

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