Chapter 30

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My systems were rebooting from the electrical shock that I had gotten from trying to stop the ship. I brought back my tentacles and was about to move. My whole body aches from being in one place for so long. I about to take a step forward when "Soundwave! Stop!" A Trooper shouted. I looked up and saw one was in front of me. He was frantically pointing down towards my pedes. I looked down and saw Midna was unconscious by my right ped. I stood there shocked for a moment before bending down and picking her up gently that she was laying down in my servos.

I was able to find Knock Out signal and left the room. I had just shown up when Megatron was chastising Knock Out. I had to only guess that the Autobots had come to our aid to stop the ship or try to get the Iacon database. I saw when I turned my helm. I could see there were four coordinates. Megatron and Knock Out turned, and they both saw Midna. Knock Out came up and did a quick scan of her.

"She is stable though, from the looks of it, the ship blasted her with the same stasis beam, hoping that she may have gone into stasis. She will wake up in a bit, Soundwave." Knock Out concluded.

"Soundwave," I faced my leader, "Take her to your room and then join the rest of us on the bridge. We must get the relics that we have decided before the Autobots do." I nodded my helm and left the two. I left them and headed to my room. I entered and placed her on my berth and covered her with her blanket before heading to the bridge.

I was the first one there. I went to the left to get on a monitor to see where the rest of the coordinates would lead. That was when Megatron entered and came up to me while I was typing out the coordinates. I would start working on four teams to get the relics, but I didn't know if that was what Megatron wanted.

"Dispatching multiple squadrons will enable us to pursue four coordinates simultaneously." I paused in my typing when my master spoke before getting the teams as he finished. That was when Knock Out entered, and I looked over at him.

"Lord Megatron, I have assembled the mining detail you requested for the first set of coordinates. Breakdown and I enjoyed previous success retrieving Iacon relics. In memory of my fallen comrade, I intend to do the same again."

I rolled my optics during his whole flash moments. That is when I faced him, and that was the moment when Megatron started walking towards him.

"This is a mission, not one of your racing excursions. Stop your preening! Move quickly and operate with a surgeon's skill! Do you understand me, Knock Out!" I couldn't see what Megatron was doing to Knock Out, but it was enough for the doctor to shrink back and take a few steps back.

"Explicitly, Lord Megatron."

"Now, since the unfortunate loss of Breakdown has left you rather vulnerable, you will require appropriate support."

During this time, one of the Insecticon came in. The drill team had backed away from it and walked up behind Knock Out. He turned around and turned back and chuckled nervously before speaking, "How very... repellant." Then this team left for New York.

I had gotten the second coordinates, and it was down in Antarctica, the frozen land of this planet.

"The coordinates indicate that the second of these four Iacon relics lies at the very bottom of this world."

"I will journey to the ends of this or any world to serve your will, Lord Megatron." Dreadwing bosted. It was very hard not to let out a sound of annoyance when he was around. This was the main reason. I had turned around to face Megatron and Dreadwing.

"Then return with my prize, Dreadwing, and prove you are more worthy of being my second-in-command than those who have preceded you." Megatron ordered, and that was the time he bowed and left the bridge. There were two coordinates left, and I was given the third one while Megatron had sent Insecticons to the last one. I had bridged them off the Nemesis, and I was about to leave the bridge when the Insecticon, Hardshell comm. In.

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