Chapter 14

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Nitrous had picked me up from school because Megatron would like some information from Sound and me. Sound had told Megatron when he had a moment that Sound had made me his eyes and ears. Since there was some information that he hadn't known about until I told him. We were met with a limping Starscream who didn't even respond to us. I looked over at Nitouse, and she just shrugged a little.

She made her way to the bridge where Sound and Lord Megatron was. Nitrous bowed to Megatron, but she didn't give me a forwarding. I was standing on her at the time, and I fell off of her. I landed on my butt hard and looked up at her, and glared. She mouthed sorry, and I just rolled my eyes. I stood up and walked towards Sound. Because of who I am, Lord Megatron doesn't really require me to bow to him. My company was good enough. Sound kneeled down, and I climbed in his hand. He lifted me up to his shoulder.

Megatron dismissed Nitrous since she had a scouting mission that she needed to go on. Megatron was filled on quickly about what had happened around his ship while he was in stasis and thought to be dead. I had mentioned that an Air Forces Special Ops known as the Metajets had found out their existence, and they will stay out of both Decepticons and Autobots encounter. They simply put that they didn't have the firepower to take them on. Megatron thanked me for this information, and he dismissed us.


Starscream was back on the base, and he has lost his arm. I showed Sound, and he said to keep an eye on him, and I did. He went down to Knock Out, but I could not hear what they were saying because I had left my headphones at home, and Sound has asked me not to play anything with sound on the bridge. I watched them bicker a bit before Starscream thanked him and left. He soon returned by the same time I left; he had more claw marks on his face. When Sound was taking me home, he nodded his head towards us and left for Knock Out.

Sound and I both looked at each other and looked at the limping Starscream.

'What happened to him? I know Megatron beat the scrap out of early, but Megatron didn't go to him at all today besides gloating at him for talking about his place.' I wonder as Sound walked away.


The weekend was here, and I was ready for the Cons. I wanted to see some of the Troops who would like to do a horror marathon since it was October. I had to make sure that there will be enough Vechons to come over and have enough movies. I was able to bridge myself to the Nemesis, and I was met by Knock Out and Nitrous in the hallway instead of his room.

"Cheshire, does Soundwave know that you are bringing yourself to the ship." Knock Out questioned me.

I thought for a moment. 'Sound knows that I was testing their technology on my phone to make it easier for me to move around the ship. He knew that I could open a bridge with my computer but could only do it while I was on the Nemesis. So in truth, Sound must know that I would be testing the ground bridge from my phone... So, yes?' I nodded my head slowly.

"Okay. I have to go to the Medical center; I believe that Soundwave is on the bridge with Megatron. Breakdown left for an energon trail." Knock Out explained and left.I walked over to Nitrous, and she picked me up and set me down on her shoulder. She walked to the rec room to get some energon. When she stepped in, there was a lot of talking, but it stopped when one of the Troops saw me and said my nickname.

"What's new?" I asked the room.

I got the same response as usual. Mining Energon. Stopping Autobots. Megatron, and Starscream orders and arguments. I nodded my head.

"I know that you don't really celebrate human holidays, but I was planning on doing some horror movies. You are welcome to join me if you want." I shrug the last part.

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