Chapter 37

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I made my way down to the bridge as everyone was there, then tower Megatron had recently put there, somehow. Sound had informed me that Megatron was now getting his original arm back on him. I was in my uniform as his attack had destroyed the military first encounter. I had gone against that attack, but I was overruled. We hadn't lost anyone yet, so my mood was sour at the time being.

I entered the bridge, and I had missed what Megatron was ordering beforehand. Still, I did hear that Sound would keep an eye on communication from the Autobot humans.

"Starscream, are you sure that the Autobot humans will not hesitate to contact one another?" Megatron questioned.

"Of course, My Lord, it will only be a matter of time. Especially after they were brought to Cybertron."

'Wait, what?' I thought, and my blood started to boil.

"You took human children to Cybertron!" I yelled, which got everyone's attention on me.

"Calm down, Midna. They were protected by our technology glass. Which is used for deep space." Scream explained, who was coming at me like a wounded animal.

"You want me to calm down, Scream?! You gotta be joking. You do realize that I'm the only one who could survive deep space." I started raising my voice a bit.

"A tactical strategy that will cause the Autobots to" Scream started before getting cut off by me.

"SILENCE!" I screamed. I looked at everyone, and they looked at me with horror. Sound had grabbed the ledge of the mounter he was standing at. I pointed at Megatron, "You, Buckhead, will keep your attacks at a minimum. Do you understand?" Megatron nodded, "Good. I don't care what you do, but keep it off of the news outlets. For these reasons, 1) the news almost made it worldwide, 2) I would hate to kill all of you and the Autobots, 3) I don't need the other generals and higher up knows what I know, alien wise. Because if they do, then I'm screwed, so is my family. Lastly, you should be grateful that I'm in charge of anything and everything alien. Otherwise, it would be a battle zone out there." I explained carefully and coldly. I heard my watch beep at me. I looked down and saw that I had a meeting soon. I sighed, "Stay out of trouble for a couple hours, will you." I ordered and left the bridge.



We all watched Midna leave the room. I had a death grip on the ledge, and I didn't let go until she was off the ship. We all looked at each other because Midna had just yelled who was much louder than Megatron ever was. It was a waiting game until the next person will be spoken. Luckily it was a short wait.

"Didn't we agree to not anger Midna?" Nitrous questioned.

"I wasn't here when that happened, but I thought it was already in play after I left the Deceptions," Starscream confirmed.

There was silence before Megatron dismissed us to do our jobs. None of us questioned it, and we all went on our ways. I stayed on the ship since the Citadel didn't have any sort of human communications. I was on the lookout when Midna called me. Before I could answer, I could hear Megatron's voice.

"A new power dominates your world. Any further attempts to attack me will be met with even greater force. Your leaders should be advised that my Fusion Cannons possess enough firepower to decimate any densely populated area of my choosing. I would in all likelihood set sight on your nation's capital, for starters."

"Point taken. Now, what do you want from us?"

"Nothing, Agent Fowler. The Decepticons mean no harm to humanity. We merely desire a place to call home."

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