Chapter 26

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Midna wasn't with us tonight for she had a concert. I was on the bridge when we had gotten a signal. I looked through our system because this one was familiar. I found it, and it was Skyquake's signal, but that was impossible unless it was Dreadwing. I had control of the Nemesis to find the signal. Megatron was there when I changed course. He trusted my judgment, so he didn't speak. We reached the signal, and Dreadwing boarded. He made his way to the bridge before kneeling down to Megatron. I was off to Megatron's left side when Dreadwing spoke.

"Lord Megatron, I live to serve."

"Rise, Dreadwing." He did so, "Loyalty such as yours is a rare commodity."

"Mine runs deep and true, yet it is not loyalty alone that brought me here." I glared at Dreadwing for making such a comment.


"I seek confirmation of the demise of one whom I considered a brother."

"How did you learn of his passing?"

"My twin and I shared a split spark. We're metal, but two halves of the same life force. Even across the Galaxy, I sensed when he emerged from stasis on this planet and when his spark was no more." Dreadwind explained.

Megatron turned to face me, and I was pulling up the video of Skyquake's fight with Optimus Prime and Bumblebee, then I played the video.

"It is true. Skyquake perished at the hands of the Autobots, though not, in fact, under my watch." Megatron explained, and I paused it when I reached Starscream. He was the one who caused this mess.

"Then by the pit, every last Autobot on this accursed world will pay," Dreadwing vowed.

Megatron faced Dreadwing again, "The Autobots will be punished for their crime, and many others, how and when I see fit."

"But Master--" Dreadwing started to speak before getting cut off, "Conflicting agendas will only result in chaos and failure. You would be wise to remember that, Dreadwing. You are under my command now, and as such, you must follow my lead."

Dreadwing bowed before leaving the bridge. I guessed he was thinking about what he was planning on doing. For the looks of it, it wasn't good. I was working on a report when I got a text from Midna.





Hey. Shouldn't you be in bed?


I am in bed.


Correction, asleep.



Got hit in the with a chair. Have a slight concussion.



We may have a new Deception in our ranks if he doesn't get himself killed by Megatron.






He is the twin brother of Skyquake. Like Skyqauke, he is very loyal to Megatron.


Why do I feel someone is a little bit jealous?


Dreadwing said something about his loyalty and how it runs deep and true...


If he was loyal, he would not have left and done his own thing.


Yes. Exactly.

Have you go. Megatron is calling for Dreadwing, and he isn't on the ship


Send me the audio conversation, please.


I stopped typing when Megatron was calling for Dreadwing.

"Dreadwing, where are you?"

"Merely pursuing my destiny, Lord Megatron."

"Did I not order you to stand down?"

"Forgive me, one true master, but it is my hope that vanquishing Optimus Prime will earn your respect."

"Optimus is not so easily disposed of, as I keep trying to explain to all of those who foolishly attempt it."

"I assure you, Master, in but a few moments, Optimus and two others will be blown to atoms."

"I will allow it, Dreadwing, in memory of your departed twin, but only this once."

Megatron ended the connection and turned a little to face me. I had tilted my helm that Megatron allowed Dreadwing to destroy Optimus Prime.

"I will be quite surprised if we ever set eyes upon Dreading again."

I let out a puff of air at Megatron's statement. It was my way of laughing without speaking. Megatron gave me a look, and I tilted my helm.

"Midna has changed you, Soundwave. You have become more like your old self. It's just from the interaction that I have seen when you are around her."

I thought for a while, especially what he had said, and it was true. I was more like my old self. Though it was a good thing. I had lost four out of five of creation during the war. I tried to delete all my emotions, but it wasn't possible. I just pushed them down. I was lost in my thoughts until Megatron laid his servo on my left arm. I jumped a little and looked up at him.

"I know their deaths were painful for you, Soundwave. Especially Ravage. Take her personally and your change for a good, Soundwave."

I was shocked at what he said, especially about Ravage. Five people knew how I felt during that time. Three of them died. Those three were my creations. I nodded my helm to show that I had taken it to my spark.


I was compiling the audio for Midna when Dreadwing had returned. I stopped and listened.

"Optimus Prime still lives. As do you, Dreadwing, and that is a victory however small, as Skyquake so tragically discovered."

"Speak to me not of my twin, Lord Megatron, for I am here on Earth to obey your will and yours alone."

Megatron dismissed Dreadwing, and he left. Luckily there wasn't much of this conversation. I patched it together and sent it to Midna.





Thought you would like those.

I'm off to bed, unlike you, so I won't be seeing you much tomorrow.


I won't be there. Need to give my body 24 hours of rest. Super healing or not.

Night Sound.


Night, Midna.

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