Chapter 7

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I was on the bridge with Nitrous, looking at different types of weapons at the monitor she was at. What caught my attention was the fact of these weapons looked like human types and Yautja. I was about to ask Nitrous what these weapons do. I could hear the explosion of the Space bridge.

"I swear if he plays that one more time, I will kill him. Some songs I can stand being on repeat because I like them. Now, this is overkill." I said coldly.

I was quiet, so only Nitrous could hear me. Nitrous snickered a little at my comment. I looked back up to Starscream and saw Sound was walking up towards him. I listen closely to what he had to say since I found out that some of the ship's parts had echoed. You had to be in certain parts of the room to hear what is being said.

"Haaa. Soundwave. Que the audiovisual. I wish to dress the troops." Starscream said.

Then his face came on the monitor that Nitrous was working at and the next one over.

"The loss of Megatron, leader of the great Decepticons uprising, is certainly a blow to our cause. Yet we must despair over his tragic demise but instead embrace his ultimate sacrifice. And build upon the foundation he laid with an even mightier hand." He stated.

I rolled my eyes at his speech. Then one of the Troopers that was next to us spoke up.

"With all due respect Commander Star... Um... Lord Starscream. If we failed to conquer Earth under Lord Megatron's command, what hope do we have now while the Autobots still defend it?"

'He has a good point. Most of the aliens that I have seen from my family or have met said they tried to take over and enslave the beings. It would be the end of their race even if they gassed the plant. They said there will be a few humans who are crazy enough who have made bunkers and survived to kill the invaders and raised up.'

Starscream growled a bit before speaking again.

"Allow me to be crystal clear. I studied for millennia under our former Master. Thus, I am equipped to lead you. I, Megatron's true heir - Lord Starscream, EMPEROR OF DESTRUCTION!" He raised his arm in the air to show his point.

Once he was done with his speech, the Troopers started to murmur, and Nitrous was one of them with some other troops. He looked down and, with a confused look for a moment, then stormed off. I watched him as he talked to Soundwave, then stopped and turned to face him.

He spoke some more, but I couldn't read what on his lips. Then Soundwave nodded his head and walked off the bridge with him. I could feel Nitrous watching me and some other Troopers.

"Only two things are infinite... the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not so sure about the former. Albert Einstein. In this case of stupidity is Starscream. There is a reason why humans as a race have made so many alien movies, games, and books trying to take over the world, but failing." I said aloud for some of the Troopers to hear me.

I jumped off of Nitrous and on the monitor's keyboard, and I could hear quite a few laughs.

"Why is that Midna?" A Vehicon asked.

I pulled out my computer and looked through the camera to see if Starscream was off the ship, and I saw him leaving the ship with Soundwave.

"Because it is a great time to show all of you guys one of my favorite movies and to show what will happen if Starscream continues to lead us." I said.

I went on Netflix and looked up Independence Day, the first one. Since the second one was about to come out, they were nice enough to put the movie up. I quickly started it up and hooked my computer up all over the ship. Since Sound made this to relay information to me, I could do the same with my computer. I put on Cybertron subtitles, so the Troopers could understand what was being said. I made sure that the volume was coincidence throughout the ship. Then we watched the movie.


The movie was half over when Nitrous spoke to me.

"Hey Midna?"

"If it's about the movie, ask me later when it's over." I said.

I didn't look up from the screen. The movie was at area 51, where they had started to dissect the alien lifeform.

"It's not. How has the computer not - Sweet Primus!" She started to speak but was stopped when the alien came back to life and attacked the doctor.

She wasn't the only one to jump while watching this. The Troopers did the same thing. I smiled at this reaction.

"Simple. While I'm on the Nemesis, the ship is connected to my computer. This is how I'm able to get all new information, but while I'm home, it doesn't really work. I have to charge it like normal, and it takes longer to get new information." I explained.

The alien had the doctor by the neck up at a glass window speaking to the United States president.

'Man. I wish I had some popcorn.'


When the movie had just finished, it was time for me to head home. Nitrous decided to take me home since she had quite a few questions for me, and I could see that the Troopers did too. She was driving through Cody when I pulled out my phone to tell my mom that I was on my way home. Then I saw I received a message from Sound.



Are you on the Nemesis still?


No. Nitrous is taking me home. Why?


Lord Megatron is alive but requires assistance.


"Nitrous stop the car!" I shouted.

She slammed on the brakes, and her seatbelt tightened around me as she slid. Then it hit me, she is the car. Before she could speak, I explained my reasoning.

"Yes. I know you are a car. Sorry, but Sound just messaged me saying that Lord Megatron is still alive but weak."


"I have no idea?"

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