Chapter 13

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I was at the Arc-1 Carrier waiting for the race to start. I was in the Metajet hanger since it was the only place not being watched by fans. I was sitting happily on Viper's jet, and I was looking over some schematics about Viper's Jet to see what the problem was. Granted, he was a superior mechanic when it came to jet engines and whatnot. Still, Viper always likes me to look over since I know my cars, and he like that he can talk to someone else about that. I was about to let him know that his cooling system was busted when I saw Starscream walk into the Medical Center.

I pulled up the video feed and put in my headphones. When they were in, I saw Scream knocking on Megatron's head.

"Knock, knock," and he did it some more. "Is anyone in there? No? Oh, Well. Seems I possess the only thing that would allow you to rise off that slab and walk again, my dearest Megatron." As he was walking away from his head, and went down to his feet. He pulled out Dark Enegoron shard.

'Where did he get that?'

"The only scrap left on this planet plucked from your very spark chamber." He flicked in the air, and it spun around and caught in back in his hand.

'Well, that answers that question.'

"But it cannot restore your mind. The Decepticons need a leader, not a decorative centerpiece." While Scream was speaking, Knock Out entered the room and hadn't noticed him yet.

'This is going to be good.'

"And I will convince them that I am the true heir to your throne with a plan so epic--"

"Not even the mighty Megatron could have conceived it?" Knock Out asked.When Scream finally turned around, Knock Out was leaning against the door frame so casually.

'A word of advice, stop thinking out loud.'

Starscream chuckled nervously after being busted by Knock Out, "That was the idea, Knock Out. How long have you been there?"

Knock Out got away from the wall and spoke, "Long enough. And it's 'Commander Knock Out' to you, once and future Lord Starscream." Knock Out bowed to Starscream.

I groan aloud because these two are going to be the death of each other, and at that moment, the door opened, and Viper, Flygirl, and Crusher walked in.

"What's wrong, Midna?" Viper asked.

I looked over and showed my screen. I wasn't allowed to show anyone about my duty, but I didn't really care. They saw this and nodded their heads to show that they understood.

"So, did you see what the problem was with your brother's jet?" Flygirl asked.

"The cooling system is fired from what I can see."

I hoped down and put my computer away. They came over, and Viper removed some of his jets panels off to get started. Flygirl and Crusher watched until the announcer started the count off.

"Racers prepare for air in, three, two, one. Launched!"

Then the jets took off.

"Johnny and Trey are going for first place again." Flygirl said, annoyed.

"Can you blame them? Trey wants his first-place rank back, and Johnny is going to play keep away." I stated.

There was small talk while we repaired Viper's jet. By the time the race was over, Viper and I were under his jet. Our hands were covered in oil. The other Megatjet's came in, and Zak was pleased.

"Let me guess you won, Zak," I asked, not looking at them.

"Yes, I did." He replied as my phone was going off.

I reached for it, but I couldn't get a hold of it because of the oil. I press the answer button, and it went on speaker, and it was Starscream.

"I don't like to be kept waiting, Midna." He growled.

"Sorry, Screamy. I'm busy at the moment." I stated.

The room was quiet so that I could speak to Screamy, and I could hear him."It's Lord Starscream, Midna. I thought you would know that by now." I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want, Head Commandant?" I asked, and when I did this, Zak, Trey, and Crusher were trying not to laugh.

Starscream growling got worse, and he spoke as if his teeth were clenched together, "What is your plant's largest super size magnifying glass?"

"That's an observatory, and that would have to Kauai Naval Observatory on Hawaii, and it has the Heuck Nigoghossian telescope, which is the most powerful telescope we have on his planet. Why?"

I looked down at my phone and saw that Scream had already hung up. I slammed my head in the jet and cursed under my breath.

"I take that is the first time that you have been fooled?" Viper asked.

"Yes, and I'm going to make him pay for that."


Viper's jet was now fixed, and every one of us was trained in the gym. Viper and I sat out since we could kick everyone's butt. Johnny had just managed to take down Trey, and at that moment, their Metajet watches started going off. We all left the room and went to the bridge. Where Captain Strong was with the map of the Arctic.

I was able to pull up a map to see what was going on while Captain Strong told the team what was going on. I could see a black dot on the map and zoom in and saw it was the Nemesis. Johnny was about to have the team go into their Metajet's mode when I stop him.

"Don't brother go. The only person that is going to have an effect on the Cons is Viper with is acid." I explain.

"Then what are we going to do then?" Maggie asked.

"Let the Autobot deal with it."

I zoomed in and show that the Autobots were starting to fight with each other.


We watch the fight go on until Starscream got annoyed and started towards Prime until he was taken out of another fast-flying object.


I zoomed out, and I was able to hook up my phone to hear what was going on on the ship and what was being watched more easily. Starscream was through down on the ship, and it was Megatron. He transformed and landed in front of him.

"Lord...Megatron. You...are... you're healed! Praise the Allspark. It is a miracle!" Starscream stated as he got smaller.

"Oh, it will be a miracle all right, Starscream, if you survive what I have planned for you!" Megatron explained, pointing at Scream.

Starscream transformer tried to get away, but Megatron grabbed his back wings and threw him on another part of the ship's wing crashing and going back to his robot form. Megatron transformed and landed roughly on the ship, making everyone in the room jump beside me. He started walking towards him.

"But the Autobots... Optimus... right there, waiting for you." He said, pointing to the ground.

"My greatest mistake? I've made a few. But there is one I do not intend to make again!" Megatron reached out and grabbed Starscream's head and dragged him inside. While this was happening, Scream was crying out, "No, master! No-o-o-o-o!"

Then transmitted was cut off. I looked down and saw that my phone die.

"Megatron was a gladiator, and he isn't one to trifle with." I simply stated.

"You don't say Midna." Viper said, looking over at me with a shocked expression.

I smiled back at him, and a thought came into my mind.

'It's good to have you back, Lord Megatron. Why would Viper has a shocked expression? He knows that I hang out with aliens. They all do. Oh, They only met Sound and have seen some clips of everyone else speaking and haven't met them in person, unlike Viper has only seen Nitrous and a few Troopers. I forgot.'

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