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Great... I don't know where I am, I don't know where my car is... and now I'm knocking on the door to someone's grandparents at ten in the evening on Christmas eve. I feel like an intruder.

Suddenly, the door opened and an older woman peeked her head out. Her eyes went down to the group of children looking in at her. "I don't want whatever you're selling..." She teased, a playful smile on her face as she closed the door.

"GRANNY!" The three children screeched as they pounded on the door giggling. Michael stood beside them, Joann handing him the youngest as he reached out and turned the handle.

"Its always easier to get inside if you use the doorknob..." Michael chuckled as he opened the door, sending the three kids charging into the house. Michael stepped in, followed by Joann.

Now what do I do?

"Are you coming in, or are you going to stand out there in the cold all evening, dear?" The older woman said softly as she came to the door.


"Mom..." Michael said, standing behind the older woman, he smiled. "This is Meredith... she was having a little bit of car trouble down the road, and we thought instead of leaving her outside to freeze, that we'd bring her along."

The older woman looked at the frightened young woman standing on her doorstep and smiled. "Well come on in then, Meredith... these winters seem to get colder every year... we don't want you to have to bring it in here with you." She said softly as she held out her hand for the young woman.

She seems nice enough.

Meredith smiled softly and took the woman's hand. "That's a good girl... Kathleen, Bethany, and Nancy are all here... we're just waiting on Derek." She smiled as she led Meredith into a room full of children and adults sitting, laughing and talking.

"We're always waiting on Derek." Michael shook his head as he followed them into the family room.

Derek. Must be another son.

Meredith stood awkwardly in the doorway, her backpack still in her hand as she stared at the room full of strangers.

"Here dear, I'll take this for you..." The older woman said as she carefully extracted the bag from her hand, helping to take her coat off.

"Oh... thank you..." Meredith said softly as she turned around, her mind still reeling at the beauty of the room. The ceilings were vaulted and in the corner sat a huge Christmas tree decorated with what looked to be hundreds of Christmas ornaments. The lights sparkled brightly as the room was surrounded in garland and decorations. In the corner sat a large red chair in which no one was sitting in.

Suddenly, Meredith felt a tug on her hand. "Meredith! Meredith!" Timothy exclaimed. "Come play with us!" He giggled excitedly.

"Timmy... Meredith is going to sit down right now..." Joann said softly as she led the young woman to a chair across the room. She kindly introduced Meredith around to her sisters and brother's -in - law, and named the kids as they ran past.

This isn't awkward at all.

"So Meredith... where are you from?" Nancy asked softly.

"Boston." She said softly. "I'm from Boston... I was... um I was on my way home to see my mother..."

Not entirely true.

"Oh, dear... you should give her a call... she must be worried sick!" The mother said softly.

"Um... no... no, it's alright... she... she didn't know I was coming to see her for Christmas... and she's probably sleeping already... I don't want to wake her."

It Came Upon A Midnight ClearWhere stories live. Discover now