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Found out-Thanksgiving

Meredith stood in the kitchen staring down at her son in his bouncer as he grabbed his feet and stretched, making cooing noises as he watched her every movement. "Listen..." Meredith said as she slipped her shoes on while talking to him. "If you're a good boy... and mommy doesn't freak out... then this will all work out very well... so you have to be good for your grandma Shepherd, and I have to at least try this whole thing..." She shrugged. "I mean... you're not silly enough to think that I'm not coming home, right? You'll still smile and be a happy baby when I get home... right?" Meredith whispered, gently running her fingers through the baby's hair as she sighed.

"I swear..." Meredith said as she paced around the kitchen. "If I didn't have to do this, I wouldn't... you know? I mean... I need to figure out if this is what I want... not that I don't want you... of course I want you. I'm your biggest fan, if you haven't figured it out already." Meredith babbled. "I just... this is just something I have to do for me... this is something that Mommy needs to find out before she totally gives up on it... I mean, not that I wouldn't give up anything for you... which I would... but...I don't know... Listen... if you want me to stay home... just say the word." Meredith said as she crossed her arms and looked at the baby. Richie looked up at her curiously as he pulled his sock off and laughed. "So... we're going to do this thing?" Meredith said as she sighed. "You're not helpful at all..." She said as she took the baby's sock and made a face at him.

"Oh... look at those tiny little toes..." She said as she kissed the tips of his toes as he giggled at his mother. "Such tiny, tiny little toes..." She said as he laughed. She slipped his little sock on and smiled at him. "So you're not going to get me out of this, huh?" She asked, taking a step back.

She looked up as the door to the kitchen opened. Derek walked in with a sleepy, disheveled appearance. "Meri... I thought you were gone already..." he whispered as he stepped over to the coffee maker.

"I wanted to see you before I left. Your mom is in the living room... she said I needed some alone time with Richie..."

"How is the alone time going?" He asked as he walked up to her, wrapping his arms around her from behind as they both looked down at the baby.

"He won't let me stay home." Meredith sighed. "I told him to stop me if he wanted me to stay... and he just took his sock off and laughed at me."

"Yep... that's a sure sign of independence right there..." Derek chuckled as he reached forward over Meredith's shoulder to poke the little boy's nose lightly. "Good boy... don't you give in to that mommy of yours..."

"You're just saying that because you like to see me tortured by my mother... that's what you're looking forward to." Meredith grumbled.

"That's not true..." He laughed softly as he turned her around in his arms, looking into her eyes. "The truth is... I've been looking forward to torturing you myself..." He said, wiggling his eyebrows at her.

"You dirty, dirty, boy..." She whispered as she wrapped her arms around Derek, leaning her head against him.

"Remember... we have to be good..." Derek whispered.

"I know... I hate being good..."

"It won't be that bad... I'm sure we'll find a quiet corner here and there to talk to one another." Derek said as he touched her cheek, leaning down to kiss her lips softly. "Now... it's time for you to get going... I'll be in about an hour after you..." He said as he tilted his head. "Good luck, sweetheart." He whispered.

"Good luck? You think I need luck? This is going to be a very bad day, isn't it?" She whispered, glancing to Richie. "One more chance boy... if you want mommy to stay... just say the word." She said as she watched him once again pull his sock off. She took the sock from his hand and bent down to kiss the baby over and over again, turning around, she handed the sock to Derek. "Your son is mocking me." She said softly as she pretended to stick her nose in the air and walked away.

It Came Upon A Midnight ClearHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin