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Meredith took a deep breath, following after the person in front of her as they made their way out to their chairs for the speeches and announcements. She stepped out into the arena, following the long line of graduates as she made her way to her chair. Her first intention was to get to the chair and sit down, and then she would look for Derek. She got to her chair, her feet aching as she sat down on the uncomfortable seat. She could feel the baby moving around, and whispered softly as she ran her hand over her belly. She could feel a tinge of burning in her stomach, and noticed that the girl beside her was glancing at her.

"Are you alright?" She whispered, seeing the look of pain in Meredith's eyes.

"I'm... I'm alright... just a little uncomfortable..." Meredith whispered, smiling politely. "Thank you."

She tried to make herself as comfortable as possible, shifting in her chair as she glanced up to the podium. She followed her eyes up five rows and spotted a familiar face. She saw Bethany sitting with Taylor on her lap, bouncing her slightly while she talked to Donnie as he sat beside her. Beside Bethany sat Kathleen, talking animatedly with Nancy and Joann. Next was Marion Shepherd, her face was turned and she was talking and laughing with... with her mother.

Meredith's jaw dropped slightly as she watched Ellis smile, laugh, and talk with Derek's mother. She smiled slightly after a moment, knowing that if anyone could at least take a peek into her mother's shell, it would be Marion Shepherd. She had a way of just pushing her way into a person's life without making you feel violated or pressured. She always seemed helpful, and she never pried too far. She always wondered if Marion held a grudge against anyone in her life, and if there were ever anyone to have a grudge with, it would be her mother. Ellis took her son's time away from his mother, kept him away at important times, holidays, birthdays. She kept him busy and tired, but from the looks of the conversation they were having, there was anything but animosity up in those stands. Her eyes drifted to the person sitting next to Ellis as he sat staring dreamily into the crowd of students, his eyes only on her as she brightened up.

She watched as his hand lifted slowly, delicately and his fingers wiggled as he waved at her. She did the same, raising her hand slightly as she wiggled her fingers, finding that she was smiling at him, her eyes sparkling with pride and happiness as she watched him nod towards their mothers, shrugging. She laughed a little as he made a face, and laughed a little harder, when her mother's hand smacked him lightly in the arm without her even looking at him. Ellis looked up from talking to Mrs. Shepherd, her eyes landing on Meredith as Derek pointed out where she was to everyone. She didn't wave, but Meredith could tell that she was proud, and happy to be there, or else she wouldn't be there. After a moment, everyone seemed to settle in for the ceremony as the speakers prepared to give their speeches, and Meredith set her attention on only Derek sitting in the stands watching her. The speeches seemed to fly by, and her eyes were just captured by the man sitting in the stands, sending thoughts of support and love in her direction. They were about to name the graduates, who were to stand when their name was called, when Meredith felt a sharp pain in her side. She shifted forward, looking to the floor, squeezing her eyes closed. "Don't do this to me, Mini..." She whispered as she rubbed her side, taking a deep breath as she sat back in her chair. Derek's eyes were suddenly filled with concern, and Meredith could see her mother whispering to him, and him nodding. Mrs. Shepherd glanced to Derek, who seemed to be trying to calm her down as well.

They were announcing names one at a time, and were blazing through the alphabet as they neared 'G'. Meredith felt another sharp pain, grimacing slightly as she felt sweat rolling down her brow.

"Are you going to be alright?" The girl beside her asked, genuinely concerned.

"I'm alright." Meredith whispered. "He's just... doing somersaults..." Meredith grunted slightly as she took a deep breath and looked up. She was starting to feel a little dizzy as she sat up, looking up into the stands, she had noticed that Derek had disappeared. "Shit." She whispered, her voice whimpering slightly as she looked down at her belly. "Do you see what you did... now you have daddy all nervous and he's not going to be able to see mommy graduate... you're so grounded the second you're born..." She muttered as she straightened her back as she started to feel a little better. She listened to the names being called, and as soon as her name was called, she stood up slowly, steadying herself as the girl beside her reached out for her arm. She turned and thanked her softly as the next name was called, and the next.

Meredith stood staring up into the stands, the empty seat beside her mother made her heart ache as she watched the proud look on everyone's face. She could feel the baby moving, shifting and kicking. She closed her eyes as she tried to hold the pain back, and waited patiently as they reached the last name on the list. The baby moved, putting pressure on her bladder, and she winced as she waited for the announcement of their graduation and a few more words of encouragement. She shifted from one leg to another as she waited, and another sharp pain made her wince. "Behave...please..." She whispered as she rubbed her belly. "Please... just be a good boy..." She whispered. Suddenly, the crowd erupted into applause as they announced the graduating class, and Meredith looked to the stands to see Derek's family and her mother standing and applauding as they all looked on with concerned glances. Meredith winced again, grabbing her belly as she growled. "That is enough..." She grumbled as she took a deep breath. "If you don't stop this right now, you're going to go live with Cristina..." She mumbled as she felt the baby start to calm down, and the kicking stopped being so hard. She found humor in it, though just wondering for a moment if it was psychosomatic, though not caring as she followed the person in front of her as they walked from the arena floor to the back room.

She walked quickly, the dizziness starting to make her legs feel wobbly as she followed the person in front of her. As soon as she stepped off the floor, she felt her arm being grabbed. "Meredith..." Derek said as he grabbed her into his arms, trying to see if she was alright.

"Derek..." She whispered, her eyes glassed over as she winced. She had sweat running down her face, her throat was dry, and she was starting to see spots. "I don't feel so good." She whispered, shaking her head. Derek could feel her getting heavier in his arms as her eyes rolled back, and her knees gave out as he called for someone to call an ambulance.

Sorry for posting late
I was baking Christmas goodies
And I completely lost track of time!

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