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Meredith didn't feel like she had been sleeping too long, before she heard the sound of something that rose her completely out of a sound sleep. Loudly, coming from downstairs came the clanking sound of metal objects being smacked together. She sat up straight in bed, looking around for a moment she had to remind herself of where she was. When she heard the giggling of children and the sound of feet making their way downstairs, she grinned brightly. Slowly, she made her way to the door, pressing her ear to the wood, she listened to the sound of children whispering and giggling as they conspired of gifts and who was good or bad. She listened and smiled, when suddenly she jumped back from the door at the sound of someone knocking lightly. She thought it was one of the adults, but could tell by the location of the knock that it was much lower on the door.

She opened the door slowly, peeking down to the source of the tiny knock and smiled down at a messy haired little boy with blue eyes grinning as bright as bright could be up at her. "Merry Christmas, Meredith." Timothy smiled, his eyes twinkling with that gleam that children get on Christmas morning, and it made Meredith's heart lift to see his rosy pink cheeks and happy smile at her door.

"Merry Christmas, Timothy." She replied, watching down the hallway as some of the other children slowly made their way downstairs. "What's going on out there?" She asked curiously, watching as he looked anxiously back at everyone and then back up at Meredith.

"It's Christmas morning, silly! That's the wakeup call! We all gotta get downstairs... come on!" He exclaimed happily.

"Just let me change and..."

"No!" He laughed. "Shepherds never get dressed before the first gift is opened..." He giggled. "Hurry!" He laughed as he ran off towards the stairs, giggling and laughing as he ran along.

Meredith stood at the door, watching the joy and laughter in the little boy's face, in the skip in his step as he giggled his way down the steps with his cousins. She could feel the warmth and magical feeling seeping into her body as she stood there. She looked down at her pajama bottoms and her t-shirt, and back up again as another child made their way from the room, calling for everyone to wait up, her braids bouncing as she went, her warm pajamas providing her with a comfort. She contemplated going back into the room and changing, listening as the clanking stopped downstairs. She assumed that it meant that everyone was present and accounted for.

She felt a little empty feeling though, growing at the pit of her stomach, knowing that she was just tagging along with this family. The longer she stood there, listening to the sounds of the morning greetings at the bottom of the stairs, the more lonely and out of place she felt.

This isn't my family. Why am I smiling at this? It's not right. I have no right to be here, I am an intruder. I am an intruder, and I have to get out of here. I have to get back to the Christmas that I know, because I am only piggy backing on this beautiful Christmas. It's not fair to the Shepherds. It's not fair to the...

In mid thought, a door down the hallway opened, pulling her thoughts down there. She looked at the opening of the door and watched as someone popped their head out and looked towards the stairs. His hair was messy, standing on end, and his focus was at the stairs for a moment. She thought for a second to close the door, hide behind it, when his face turned towards her. "Morning!" He exclaimed, his grin was brighter and happier than Timothy's had been, and his eyes were filled with more mischief and wonder than the little boy's as well.

"Good Morning." She said with a tiny giggle, tilting her head, she couldn't help but grin at the happy sound in his voice.

"It's Christmas." He whispered, his face becoming serious for only a moment before it was replaced by that magical grin.

"It is." She replied, watching as he looked towards the stairs once again.

"What are you still doing up here?" He asked.

"What are you still doing up here?" She replied.

"Some Grinch kept me up all night long." He laughed at her smile, watching the twinkle in her eye and the pink in her cheeks as she blushed in the doorway. "I'll race you downstairs..." He said with a smile.

"You're closer, it wouldn't be fair." She replied, glancing to the stairs, and back to him.

"Then come over here...come on... we can start here..." He laughed.

She grinned brightly, the sound of the children and adults downstairs was loud and happy and she couldn't help but want to be a part of it, intruder or not. She felt guilty though, standing there, wanting to be a part of this tradition that she shouldn't be a part of. "What's wrong?" He asked, watching her body language change, her smile disappear slightly.

"I should go get my car." She whispered. "I have to go." She said, turning suddenly towards the room.

"No!" He exclaimed, running down the hallway, he didn't realize how slippery the wooden floor was, and started to slide wildly towards her. "Crap..." He exclaimed as he nearly slid right into her, making her giggle as he slammed into the doorframe, if not on purpose and hard, but enough to make her laugh. He touched her arm. "You can't go." He whispered.

"Why not? I have my own Christmas to get to." She replied.

"You said that it's not worth it... you aren't appreciated... stay here..." He said, tilting his head as he smiled. "Please?" He asked.

"It is an imposition, Derek. I don't belong here."

"What about me? I haven't been here in two years... some of my own nieces and nephews don't know who I am."

"That's different." She shook her head.

"Please stay..." He said, looking into her eyes as she tried to avoid his gaze. His raven black hair was pointing in all different directions, his eyes holding a sleepy gaze, though still filled with that wonder and happiness of Christmas morning. "Please?"

"Derek?" Mrs. Shepherd's voice came from downstairs. "Derek, are you coming down?"

"I'll be right down, Mom..." He replied.

"Okay, sweetheart. Get Meredith while you're up there, will you? Tell her that we're waiting to open our gifts..." She replied.

"I'll get her." He said, his face turning as he grinned wickedly. "Mom said to get you." He said.

"I have to..." She grinned and giggled.

"I have to get you!" He exclaimed as he suddenly grabbed her gently.

"Derek!" She exclaimed, laughing uproariously as he pulled her into his arms, lifting her from the floor.

"Mom said to get you!" He exclaimed against her protests as he carried her down the hallway, feeling as she struggled only slightly, only enough to not give in completely to his strong arms as he held her against his chest.

"Put me down!" She squealed as he bounded down the steps with her in his arms, squealing and laughing as he chuckled.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, they were immediately met by the stares of the family. Everyone stopped what they were doing for a moment and watched the two young people on the stairs. As soon as they caught sight of all of the eyes on them, Derek gently lifted Meredith to the ground. They stood on the landing, staring out at the family, both of their faces bright red for the time being, their eyes holding a guilty mischief as they both tried desperately not to laugh at the family's surprise.

"Merry Christmas everyone!" Derek exclaimed, trying to dispel the stares, though he could see the smirk on everyone's face, and he knew it wasn't an uncomfortable stare. He could tell that it was a cautious, grin worthy stare filled with curiosity and happiness. He glanced to Meredith and could tell immediately that she was feeling uncomfortable, all of the eyes on both of them. "What are you all looking at? Mom told me to get Meredith..." He shook his head. He grabbed her hand and tugged, walking down the stairs with a laugh, he headed towards the Christmas tree. "Where are my presents?" he laughed as all of the children converged on their favorite uncle, and the real Christmas morning could begin.

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