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Derek held her securely as they walked towards the ice rink, and with every step, he could feel her gripping him tighter and tighter. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked, trying not to make her feel that she had to do it.

"I don't know yet." She whispered.

"It's alright... just... let's take it slowly, alright?" He whispered, feeling her grip loosen just slightly as the reached the steps to the rink. Carefully, he let her grab hold of the small railing on the steps, and lower herself down one step, then the second to the ice. She stepped gingerly and looked up at Derek. Her smile widened to a grin as her eyes sparkled.

"I'm doing it." She laughed.

"Well... you're getting closer." He laughed as he stepped down onto the ice faster, skating around her to her other side effortlessly.

"Show off." She grumbled with a little laugh.

"That's not him showing off..." Joann said as she skated up to the two of them. "Derek... go take a spin around the rink... I'll stay here with Meredith..."

"It's alright." Derek said, shaking his head, smiling as his sister gave him a little push.

"Go on..." She shooed him away.

"Yeah..." Meredith said, her cheeks turning pink with the cool wind as she glanced to Joann. "I don't want to keep you from your fun... let every one else take turns holding me up..." She laughed as Joann laughed with her.

Derek shook his head and chuckled. "I'll be right back..." He said with a laugh. He pointed to his sister and raised his eyebrows. "I promised her that she wouldn't fall." He said, his voice almost a warning as he quickly started to skate backwards, his eyes directly on hers.

"How are you doing?" Joann asked, watching as Meredith's eyes seemed to reflect a nervous feeling all of a sudden.

"I'm alright..." Meredith said, flashing a smile.

"I was really sorry to hear about your car... It sounds like it's pretty bad..." She cringed slightly.

"Yeah..." Meredith shook her head.

"Listen... if you need anything... just let us know, alright... Neil is a mechanic... he probably has some used cars at his shop if you needed something to drive or whatever... and you know, we'll take you to school or home or anything if you need anything..."

"Why are you all so nice to me?" Meredith asked. "I haven't asked for anything, yet you are all so nice, inviting... giving..."

"You've been nothing but sweet to our family, Meredith... and you seem to be enjoying yourself. You deserved to have a good Christmas... just like everyone else." Joann smiled. She looked up and laughed at her brother, skating circles around one of his sisters as she tried to make her way around the rink. "Look at that little brat..." She laughed.

"What is he doing?" Meredith giggled.

"When we were younger, Nancy was always the worst skater... he'd spin circles around her telling her that he was going to push her down." Joann laughed. "He has never pushed her... but she usually lunges at him at some point, and falls."

Derek looked up as he spun another circle, glancing over at the two of them. He had a sheepish smile on his face as he skated expertly in their direction. "Here we go..." Meredith laughed.

"What?" Derek asked, out of breath. His nose was red and cold and he smiled as he looked between Meredith and Joann.

"Meredith wants to know if you're going to taunt her when she goes around the rink like you do to Nancy." Joann asked.

"Oh... no... never." Derek said with a laugh, nearly sarcastic, though he was being sincere.

"Well... I'm going to let you two... be... I guess..." Joann laughed as she smiled at Meredith and gave her brother a light punch on his shoulder that he understood the meaning of, and went on her way to check on her kids.

"So are you going to taunt me?" Meredith asked, watching as he just looked from her feet to her eyes slowly.

"No." He said with a smile. "I would never...Are you ready?" He asked.

"Ready?" She asked. "I thought I was doing it." Meredith teased with a laugh.

"Here... take my hand." He said, holding his hand out to her. She reached forward and grasped it tightly, her other hand firmly on the side. "Now give me your other hand." He said as he held his other hand to her. She gave him a suspicious look and after a moment, reached her hand to him. "I'll... go backwards... you go forwards..."

"How do I... go...?" She asked.

"See the little ridges at the front of your skate... push off those..."

"Oh..." She whispered as she stood there, holding his hands for a moment.

"Don't stare at your feet." He smiled. "Look at me."


"Mm.... hmm... me... just watch me..."

"Awfully vain of you, Derek." Meredith giggled as Derek pushed back a little, taking her with him slowly.

"What can I say?" He asked with a small laugh. "I like to look good..." He said, watching her blush a little, his smile so bright that his eyes narrowed slightly, the colors of the Christmas tree above them shining down brightly. "Watch my eyes..." He whispered softly as he pushed back a little more, gliding them softly across the ice.

"I'm doing it." She whispered.

"You are..." Derek smiled.

"I'm ice skating..." She laughed.

"You're ice skating." He said, feeling her feet move in front of him as he glided them along. The children and his sisters and brother in laws were all skating quickly past him, but the only thing that he could see was the beautiful eyes staring straight into him. He suddenly felt warm all over, and his winter coat was making him sweat. His hands were warm under the gloves, only to be multiplied by the tight grip that she had on them. "Tell me something about you." He whispered.

"Something about me?" She asked.

"Yeah... what is... your favorite color?" He asked, pulling her along on skates. "Keep our minds off the skating..." He smiled.

"My... favorite color is... purple..." She smiled.

"Mm... purple." He smiled.


"You're from Boston?" He asked.

"Yep..." She replied with a grin. "Actually, Seattle... but I grew up in Boston."

"I work in Boston." Derek said softly.

"You do..." She grinned. "That's a coincidence..."

"My mother is chief of surgery at Boston General." Meredith said, and watched as Derek's face went pale, his eyes widened. "Derek?"

"Your mother is..."

"Ellis Grey..." Meredith said, watching as suddenly, Derek lost his footing, flailing his arm, he flew backwards, grabbing her, he fell flat on his back onto the ice, smacking his head, Meredith following behind, landing on top of him. "Derek!" She exclaimed, feeling the rush of people coming to check on him.

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