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The early afternoon crept on the family quickly as they watched the clutter of the room increase with each giggle, tear of the wrapping paper or bounce on someone's lap. The more gifts that were opened, the more noise and trash and wrapping paper accumulation occurred. Thirteen children and nine adults always made for a good time, if not a crowded time and each year the volume appeared to get louder.

"Did you ever notice how each year, it gets a little tougher to concentrate in here?" Derek asked as Meredith sat beside him, her legs crossed on the couch as her fingers fiddled with the Rubick's cube.

"That's because everyone is getting older, and every year, one more kid can talk." Nancy said as she pointed across the room at all of the children as the smaller ones slept in their playpens and the older children argued and laughed about their new toys. "Not to mention that the noise goes on longer because they no longer slip into that 'I woke up at 5:00 in the morning with only two solid hours of sleep' coma." She laughed as Meredith glanced up at her from the toy she was playing with as Nancy sat on the other side of her.

"The kids are getting so big..." Meredith commented. "I don't know how you're going to be able to keep squeezing them all in here." Meredith said with a giggle as she watched the oldest grandchild, Rachel, who was turning twelve in January climb over her younger sister to get to another toy.

"She's already asking to sit at the adult table at dinner..." Nancy said as she watched the children for a little while.

Meredith smiled as her eyes passed over the family, sparkling with happiness as she looked up as Derek stood up beside her. He nodded towards the group of kids in the corner to let her know that's where he was going. She nodded and glanced to Nancy, who smiled over at her. "Have you guys set a date yet?" She asked softly, trying not to pry, but showing her curiosity.

"A date?" She asked, caught off guard by the question, her thoughts jumbled as she looked away from the Rubick's cube and into Nancy's eyes.

"Wedding." She said softly, tilting her head as Meredith's eyes cleared, and a look of realization came over them.

"Oh... oh... a wedding date... no... we really... really haven't discussed it." She said, shaking her head as she moved the cube around in her hands, working diligently on it.

"After you graduate, probably..." Nancy asked.

"Most likely." Meredith replied, feeling herself becoming slightly uncomfortable at the questions, she could feel her hands moving faster over the cube. "Probably... after... yeah..." She nodded, looking up at Nancy. "We... are... you know... pretty busy and stuff..." She shrugged.

"Oh... I understand." Nancy said politely. "I was just wondering...I'm sorry if..." She shrugged slightly as she smiled politely.

"It's alright... my mind is just elsewhere... I'm sorry." She smiled as she nudged Nancy a little, her eyes looking up to Derek as the sound of a pager rang through the house. She knew that sound, and what it meant and as soon as that noise was heard, she could feel her heart sink like a rock.

Their eyes met as he cringed a little, her stomach knotting as he looked at the pager. His brow furrowed as he looked at the message, his face raising to meet hers. Suddenly, his eyes lit up. "Apparently you were supposed to call Cristina when you got here?" He asked as he smiled.

"Oh!" Meredith exclaimed as she stood up quickly. She turned to Nancy and smiled. "My roommate drives me crazy." She said with a laugh as she excused herself to the hallway, passing Derek with a quick kiss on her way out into the foyer to find her jacket where she had left her phone.

She pulled the phone from her pocket and made a face at the fourteen messages on her phone, most likely all from Cristina. She dialed the number and only had to wait one ring before Cristina picked up. "So that's what I have to do to get a phone call?"

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