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Meredith was just walking into the locker room to change into a fresh pair of scrubs when she heard Izzie talking to someone. "He was in the elevator... he doesn't wear a wedding ring... and he has a kid?" Izzie shrugged.

"I don't know, Izzie..." Cristina grumbled as she glanced to Meredith for help.

"Meredith, you know Doctor Shepherd, right?" Izzie asked as she saw Meredith come around the corner.

"Yeah." Meredith said nonchalantly as she pulled her scrub shirt off and pulled another out of her locker.

"Your mom works here, so you like know most of the doctors..." Izzie nodded.

"Yeah..." Meredith mumbled as she pulled her scrub shirt over her head.

"Like... how long have you known him?" She asked, glancing to Cristina who was not helpful in her search for answers.

"Oh, I don't know... probably since he was a resident here... why?"

"Did you know he had a kid?" She asked.

Meredith raised her eyebrows at Izzie and looked down at Cristina. "Oh yeah... I know about his kid..." Meredith said, turning towards her locker as she tried not to chuckle.

"Is he married or something? Seeing someone? Is he a single father?" Izzie asked.

"Why does it even freaking matter?" Cristina asked.

"I'm just wondering..." Izzie shrugged.

"You want to get into Doctor Shepherd's scrub pants!" Cristina laughed as Meredith leaned against the locker and tried to compose herself.

"I do not!"

"You so do!" Cristina exclaimed.

"Shut up, Cristina! I do not!" Izzie exclaimed.

"To answer your question, Izzie... Yes... Doctor Shepherd has a son..." Meredith giggled. "His fiancé left him for..."

"Another woman..." Cristina said, watching Meredith's jaw slack open.

"Yeah... another woman..." She said as she shook her head and tried not to laugh.

"She did not!" Izzie exclaimed.

"Oh yes... it was tragic... he was depressed for weeks..." Cristina shook her head. "The only thing that gets him by from day to day is little..."

"Trevor..." Meredith finished as she gave a sad sigh. "Poor Trevor has two mommies..."

"Oh, that's awful..." Izzie whispered, shaking her head.

"It is..." Meredith nodded. "He doesn't even like to talk about it..." She said as she glanced to Cristina.

"If you do mention it, he goes into a fit of denial...its very sad..." Cristina exclaimed.

"He's very messed up..." Meredith shook her head. "I think he needs some time to work things out... you know... work things through personally before he sees anyone..." Meredith nodded. "I think its all for the best."

"Yeah..." Izzie sighed. "I had no idea..." She shook her head.

"Well... he seems like a healthy guy on the outside... but on the inside he's just a putrid pile of rotted heart... the poor man..." Cristina shook her head. "Well... I have to go and see if anyone's willing to let an intern scrub in on a surgery... I'll see you two at rounds..." She grinned suddenly as she took off out of the locker room.

"Cris! Wait for me!" Meredith exclaimed as she chased after her friend, leaving Izzie alone in the locker room to ponder her latest discovery.


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