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They stepped into the nursery, and immediately the nurse smiled at him. "Doctor Shepherd..." She said with a happy smile as she glanced to the door. "They called down and said you'd be bringing him down to his mommy...he'll be ready to go in just a minute." She said cheerfully as Derek nodded. He glanced to Ellis, who seemed to be fidgeting and thoughtful. He glanced to her and tried to get her to look at him.

"Are you alright?" he asked softly, catching her eyes with his as she looked up at him.

"Me? No... yes, I'm fine... I... I'm fine... I heard about the delivery..." Ellis said, always more comfortable talking shop.

"Yes... Doctor Montgomery was there to save the day..." Derek nodded, his eyes shifting from hers as he glanced to the doors where the babies were.

"Doctor Montgomery..." Ellis nodded, watching him avoid eye contact. "Didn't you and Doctor Montgomery have a..."

"Yes." Derek said as he looked to Ellis. "It didn't end well... and that was a very long time ago." He said, his voice was almost stern as he replied. "But everything went well...and Meri is in recovery... and all we want now is to hold him." Derek replied, glancing to Ellis, and back to the door.

"Did you name him?" Ellis asked, watching Derek's smile appear slowly.

"We named him Richard." Derek said, watching as Ellis' eyes snapped to his. "After my father..." He said, watching as her stare relaxed and she dropped her eyes.

"It's a very noble name." Ellis replied as she glanced up at the opening door as they began to push the incubator into the hallway. "I should probably get back to..."

"No way..." Derek shook his head as he signed a sheet of paperwork to take the baby with him. "There is no way that you're getting out of here without holding him first."

"Derek, I can't..."

"Oh, hush..." Derek said as he pulled the incubator close to him. "Just take a look at him..." Derek said as he looked down at the tiny sleeping baby in the incubator. "Look at how little..." He spoke with a high voice as he took in the sight of his son, the tiny little bundle. "Look at how tiny..." he whispered as he reached his hands down to pull him from the incubator. He very softly, very carefully lifted the baby into his arms, cradling him carefully. "How can you resist such a beautiful creature... come on Ellis... he's your grandson..."

"Derek... making me feel old is not going to... oh my goodness... look at his tiny little nose..." She whispered as she stepped forward to softly run her fingertip over his cheek, his mouth suckling at the touch on his delicate skin.

"Richie... this is your Gramma Grey..." Derek whispered as he looked up at the awe and happiness in Ellis' face as she tried not to soften at the sight of her grandson. "She wants to hold you so badly... but she's too chicken to ask..." Derek whispered so sweetly that he chuckled at the expression that Ellis sent his way. "Oh yes... its true... you're going to be her worst enemy... all of the snuggles and hugs you're going to give her... you're going to turn her into a big ole marshmallow..." He whispered so delicately as Ellis reached her hands out for him.

"Let me hold my grandson." Ellis said sternly, hiding her look of amusement as Derek chuckled and very carefully lifted the baby into her arms.

"Don't forget to support his head..." Derek said with a joking tone as Ellis glared up at him.

"Do you think this is the first time that I've ever held a baby?"

"Meredith said that you..."

"Shut up..." She said, raising her eyebrows at Derek as she looked down at the baby. "Your daddy is such a smarty pants... isn't he?" She whispered sweetly to the baby as she held him close to her, looking down at his little smacking lips as he wiggled slightly in her arms. "Oh he is... he is... you're so sweet... so sweet...you are nothing like your dadd..." Ellis whispered as she looked up at Derek. "We won't speak of this?" She asked.

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