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Derek held her tightly to his body, his hands roaming beneath her sweater, his hands gently caressing her back as he whispered words of comfort in her ear. He held her in his arms as she cried softly into him, reveling in every single touch. "I'm sorry..." She whispered.

"No more apologies..." He said, his voice deep as he held her close, pressing his nose into her hair as he lay back with her against him. Upon opening his eyes, he noticed the flashing lights of a tow truck coming down the road. "Baby... the tow truck is here..." Derek whispered.

"Let him take the stupid piece of crap." She mumbled into him as she refused to let go.

"Sweetheart, you have to let go of me so that I can get talk to the tow truck driver."

"No..." She whispered as she grumbled against him.

"Meri..." He chuckled as he lightly tickled her sides, sending her backwards into the horn. She gave him a surprised look as she smiled through her tears. "Go on..." He whispered, shaking his head as he helped her move to the other seat. "Here..." He said softly as he pulled his coat off. "Snuggle up in this and I'll be right back." He said as he leaned forward for a soft kiss.

"What... am I your kitten or something? You think that I need something that smells like you to keep me comfortable?" She mumbled as she accepted his coat, curling into it as he kissed her softly once again.

"Yes." He whispered, kissing her forehead one more time before he slipped out of the car.

"Aren't you going to be cold?" She asked, watching as he peeked in at her.

"You keep me warm by staying in there, alright?" He said, blowing her a kiss before he closed the door.


Derek helped with getting the car on the trailer bed, watching in amazement at the damage to the car. He was so thankful and surprised that Meredith wasn't hurt in that accident, the damage that the car had sustained was extensive, and it was a miracle that it wasn't worse, at least as far as they could tell.

It didn't take too long before Derek was on his way back to his own car, he checked his watch and noted that it was about six o'clock, and he had another hour and a half drive ahead of him to get to his mother's house. He pulled his phone out and noticed that there were six phone calls from his mother, and he knew then that Neil had called her, or was at her house, and told her what had happened. He opened the car door and peeked in, finding Meredith resting on her seat, curled against his coat, sleeping soundly.

"My poor girl..." He whispered as he sat in his seat and reached over, his fingers lightly grazing her cheek as he smiled sadly over at her. She snored lightly as she lay there, her eyes fluttering lightly as she slept peacefully, a small smile on her lips.

He started his car and backed out of the small drive that he was in, and very carefully made his way down the road. When he was sure that he had calmed down enough, he watched the road carefully as he lifted his phone to his ear and dialed. He could hear the rushed sound in her voice when she answered.

"Derek?" She said, her voice nervous and frightened.

"We're alright, Mom." Derek said softly.

"Meredith? Is Meredith alright? Let me talk to her... you found her and she was alright...?" She asked, her voice was panicked and uneven.

"Mom... Meredith is alright... she's sleeping next to me right now... we're on our way there right now..."

"When will you be here, dear... oh... oh I feel so awful... she must have been so frightened..."

It Came Upon A Midnight ClearWhere stories live. Discover now