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Ellis entered the scrub room after finishing another surgery. It had been a quick procedure, and she was washing her hands when she heard the door open quickly. She turned to see Derek walking into the room. His feet were heavy and his face held a degree of anger that Ellis had never seen, though was fairly sure she'd see again. "Doctor Shepherd." Ellis said as she washed her hands.

"Doctor Grey." Derek growled as he stood in the doorway as the scrub nurses and a couple more doctors entered the room.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" She asked, looking up at Derek, her eyebrows raised as she reached for the towels, wiping her hands.

"Oh... I don't know, Ellis." Derek said, using her first name leverage, taking her by surprise. As soon as he said it, her eyes were directly on him, giving him the reaction that he had been looking for. "Maybe it's because of the hysterical phone call that I received when Meredith informed me that you wouldn't be attending her graduation from medical school." Derek said, his voice loud and stern as he watched the interns and nurses watch her.

"This is not the time or the place to be discussing this matter, Dr. Shepherd." Ellis said, glancing at the other people in the room as she tried to distance herself from the conversation.

"She's your daughter, Ellis. She's your daughter and she's carrying your grandchild. Your daughter is carrying your own grandchild... and you won't talk to her... you won't look at her... you won't call her... what is wrong with you? What is wrong with you that you can't give her one ounce of respect? She's your daughter... she's your flesh and blood... and you can't even stand her!" Derek exclaimed.

"Doctor Shepherd, that is enough!" Ellis said sternly as she scolded him, her voice agitated as she tried to remain unaffected by the eyes that were on her. "What are you all looking at... go on... the surgery is over..." She exclaimed, shooing the nurses and interns from the room. They scattered like flies, bumping into one another as they exited the room quickly. "Who do you think you are coming into this hospital... confronting me in front of my staff? Who do you think you are, Doctor Shepherd?"

"Who do you think you are, Doctor Grey... do you think you're immune to the vile, rude, putrid things that you say to your daughter? Do you think that she forgives you... understands you... do you honestly think... that she doesn't give a shit about what you think or feel about her? Can you stand there... and tell me, that you don't think she wants you to be a part of her life... our life... our child's life...? Ellis... she's not asking for the fucking moon... she's not asking for a fucking pony... she's asking for some fucking recognition for something that she feels that you should be proud of her for! She's looking for acceptance from you!"

"She doesn't need my acceptance! She doesn't need me, Derek! She has you to coddle her and do whatever it is she wants done. Look at you now... you're like her little errand boy... coming in here... speaking on her behalf... it's pathetic, Derek!" Ellis said as she trembled, her eyes staring angrily at him as he stared angrily at her. "Now... get the hell out of my scrub room!" She exclaimed.

"No." Derek shook his head. "This isn't over... this is far from over..." he said angrily. "You... will apologize to her... and you will tell her that you will be attending her graduation... and you will go... and you will tell her that you are proud of her." He shook his head. "You stand here all high and mighty in your operating rooms, and your office... and you think that you are better than everyone else... when in reality, you're nothing but a frightened little person with the need to put others down in order for you to feel good about yourself. You know that you love her... you know that you are proud of her... You see yourself in her, and you're afraid that she's going to turn into this..." Derek said as he waved his hand at Ellis.

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