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"Derek... I can't go out... I have to get home to the baby..." She said softly.

"He'll be home waiting for you... you need to celebrate... you need to spend time with people your own age... you need to hang out with your coworkers... because you have an opportunity. My mom is in town for a couple of weeks... and after that, it's daycare... and with daycare, you have to pick him up afterwards, there's no leaving him there for a couple extra hours... you need to celebrate, Meri... it's your first shift..." He said with a smile.

"Celebrating is no fun without you." She whispered.

"I know..." He shook his head. "But Cris will be there, and you'll have a good time... and I'll be home waiting for you with our little prince..." He smiled.

"Der..." She whimpered.

"Come on, Meri... do this for me... for you..." He said softly as he glanced to the door. He leaned in and kissed her lips softly.

"Okay." She whispered.

"Okay you're going to do this?" he asked.

"Okay... okay, I'll do it..." She sighed as she shook her head. "I'll see you a little later... before I go..." She smiled as she kissed his cheek softly, watching him jump in surprise a little.

"You little sneaky..."

"You behave..." She chuckled as he watched her flit from the room quickly as he was left there alone. With a smile.

Meredith entered the bar with Cristina and Izzie. She hadn't been out to the bar for a while, since before the baby was born, and she wasn't sure how comfortable she was going to be this evening knowing that Derek was home with Richie while she was hanging out with a bunch of colleagues. She wanted so badly to go home with Derek when her shift ended, snuggle on the couch with he and Richie and watch a movie, or maybe when Richie was put to bed, a little mommy and daddy snuggle time. She had been so tired lately, that sex had been quick, more of a habit than anything else, not that sex with Derek wasn't a uniquely sensual experience each and every time, but there is a certain amount of spark that's lost when you smell of baby spit up and you're struggling to keep your eyes open.

She was awake now, she was very awake, and she wished that she were this awake with Derek right now, not with a table full of strangers who she was slowly beginning to become acquainted with. She thought about what Derek had said, and he was right. She did need to spend time with people her own age, with the people she worked with, people who would become her friends if they got to know her. She knew that the more friends she obtained by herself, on her own merit, the better chance of them not leaving her high and dry when they found out that her relationship with the criminally handsome Neuro attending was more than just a passing glance and a lot deeper, and a lot more involved.

"Oh! Meredith!" Izzie exclaimed as she grabbed Meredith's hand. "I didn't realize you were engaged!"

Meredith realized that she had slipped her engagement ring back on her finger after the shift had ended, having had it around her neck on a chain all day long, she decided that she felt more comfortable with it around her finger, again not thinking about the overtly perky Barbie doll that seemed so adept to asking questions that pertained to everyone but herself.

"Yes." Meredith said as she glanced to Cristina, who shrugged. "Thanks..." Meredith mouthed to Cristina, who smirked as she looked up the waitress who had come up to the table.

"Meri... it's been a while..." She said with a smirk as Meredith nodded politely. "Where's the handsome doctor?"

Izzie's eyes were burning into Meredith as she smiled. "Oh, he's home with the little one..." Meredith swallowed.

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