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Meredith and Cristina were lying opposite one another on the couch with the television on. They were quiet and thoughtful as the door opened. Meredith jumped to her knees and looked over the couch at the opening door as Derek stepped through.

"You're still alive!" She exclaimed as she watched him look over at her. His eyes were a bit stunned and his hands appeared to be trembling slightly and he still hadn't looked in her direction. "Derek?" She said, tilting her head slightly as she watched him stop. He looked up at her, his face blank as he tilted his head. His eyes were glazed over, and he almost looked like he didn't recognize her. "What happened?" She asked.

"I..." He sighed as he shook his head and squeezed his eyes tightly. "I think I called your mother a cold hearted bitch." Derek cringed a little.

"You what?" Cristina asked, turning around on the couch, looking at Derek as well.

"I think I called Meredith's mother a cold hearted bitch..." Derek said as he wrinkled his forehead in confusion. "I think... I think I yelled at her, and... and then she took my pager away..."

"She took your pager away?" Meredith asked. "What did she do with it? Did she fire you? Derek, what happened...?" Meredith asked as she climbed over the back of the couch, padding her way to him, she reached up and touched his cheek, his face holding an exhausted expression. "What happened?"

It was as if something inside of him snapped. One second he was exhausted, staring into Meredith's sad, lonely eyes, so scared and worried about him. Her innocence was so pure and beautiful, her heart so clear and fresh of the hatred that her mother expelled. He looked into Meredith's eyes, and he knew that all he needed was her, and then the next second... she saw that look in his eyes.

"Derek?" She whispered one more time, and that was when it happened. She was in his arms, his mouth on hers, his hands roaming her body as he backed her quickly into the bedroom and slammed the door with his foot, completely aware that Cristina was there, but absolutely oblivious to everything else but the exquisite beauty before him. "Derek..." She moaned against him as he pulled at her shirt, tugging it up, he yanked on her pajama bottoms and panties eagerly as she pulled at his scrub pants, watching them fall around his ankles as he pulled his boxers off and pushed her hard onto the bed, climbing on top of her. "Derek..." She moaned as he entered her quickly, eagerly, full of love and angst and an ever growing need to prove his love to her.

"I love you." He whispered. "I love you..." He whispered as he kept his rhythmic time as they moved together in perfect synchronicity. "Oh, Meredith... I love you so fucking much!" He exclaimed as he felt her groaning beneath him, feeling her own body building up to that total bliss that he was leading her to.

"Derek..." She whispered. "Derek... I... Derek... I love you." She whispered as she felt herself climbing the edge of the cliff of oblivion, feeling as she pulled him with her, falling over the edge of eternal bliss, grasping, holding, squeezing, suckling. Their bodies melded together in an exhausted pile of limbs and sweat, smelling of sex, love, and the conquered battle as they lay there finally, their bodies twitching in love's embrace as their breathing slowed.

Derek slid to his side, pulling her into him as she held him for a while. She could hear the television playing loudly in the living room and for a moment was brought back into the reality of knowing that her friend was sitting out on the couch, probably scarred for life at what she had to hear.

"Oh..." Derek whispered, trying to catch his breath. "Don't worry about her...She's a big girl..." Derek whispered.

"I'm not worried about..."

"You were thinking about it... I could see it in your eyes..." He whispered as he smiled softly at her. "Meri... I love you."

"I love you." She whispered, looking up at the sound of the television, and glanced back at Derek, his eyes filled with the flame of one thousand fires, her own eyes burning with a continued desire. "She's a big girl." Meredith shrugged as she buried her body into Derek's and devoured his lips once again.

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